Chapter 38

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Lisa's POV:

I was in a very familiar room with only myself and Arthur in it.

The room was completely dark yet I somehow was able to see clearly everything that was going on.

It was as if I had some fancy night vision goggles on, allowing me to see everything; from Arthur's horrified face to the shining knife in my hand.

I was walking up to Arthur with the knife glowing brightly in my hand, with the creepiest smile I could ever muster on my face.

Every few seconds, I'd try and try to stop myself from getting any closer to him, mentally screaming at myself to stop.

Obviously, dream me didn't listen.

Suddenly, the knife lodged itself in Arthur's chest as I felt myself twist it, letting more and more blood gush out as dream me let out this messed up laugh as if what was happening to Arthur was the funniest thing in the world.

Seconds before Arthur fully collapsed and died, he whispered, "You monster."

The next thing I know, I was in the exact same position Arthur was in mere seconds ago, staring at myself walk up to the real me with a now bloodied knife.

I saw myself stab the real me repeatedly with that sadistic look on my face. It was as if dream me was so bloodthirsty that she would never stop.

She carried on and on and on, yelling things like "you deserve this!" and "you monster!".

I could almost feel the knife lodging itself in my body, I could practically feel the pain. However, nothing I could do or say would stop dream me from doing that.

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and I instead let out a bloodcurdling. scream.

The next thing I know, I was being shaken awake by one of the healers, with Sophie staring at me worriedly.

I could've sworn I've ever seen Jamie look at me with a similar expression and-


"JAMIE!" I practically cried in excitement, sitting out, despite everyone's obvious discomfort, and grabbing my newly acquired crutches and quickly waddling my way towards Jamie.

"Your majesty _ you really shouldn't be out of bed after that!" One of the healers snapped, however, I ignored his protests completely.

I then sat down at one of the chairs by his bed before wrapping my arms tightly around him, ignoring everyone else's shocked and alarmed expressions.

I relaxed in Jamie's arms, relishing in the comfort they provided before mumbling, "You bleeping son of a bleep! Do you have any idea how much bleep you put me through this week waiting for you to wake up!"

Jamie simply patted my head apologetically before smiling at me in relief.

"Hey! You've had your revenge! You terrified us all just now," he then said, causing me to stick my tongue out childishly whilst glaring at him, "What happened anyway?"

I looked at Jamie nervously, twiddling with my thumbs _ I guess I needed to tell someone. Otherwise, life would probably be a whole lot harder for me.

"Umm... they're really bad... nightmares..." I mumbled, "About me killing..."

I couldn't finish my sentence, still in complete disbelief that I was somehow able to do that.

The next thing I know, Jamie encased me in another tight hug, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Lisa, listen to me very closely right now. You did what you had to do. It wasn't your fault that Arthur turned bad. It wasn't your fault that he started becoming a true threat to Celestiam as a whole and it certainly wasn't your fault that he had to die," Jamie then said, backing up a tiny bit and tilting my face towards his.

I relaxed slightly, before smiling, "Bleeping hell, you sure know how to sweet talk!"

Jamie laughed before smirking arrogantly, "It's my speciality."

"Never scare us like that," I suddenly snapped, causing Jamie to salute dramatically, grinning cheekily before letting out a weird laugh.

"As long as you don't scream like a dying banshee again! That was genuinely terrifying, you know!" Jamie snapped, as I shrugged whilst smirking cheekily.

I looked over at a healer, who still seemed a little bit wary of me and what happened mere moments ago, curiously.

"Is he on any drugs?" I suddenly blurted out of nowhere, causing Sophie to snort loudly.

To be honest, Jamie did look a little weird and he didn't yell at me for giving him a scare mere minutes ago so surely something wasn't right with him.

"Technically, he should be a tiny bit loopy from all that magic we put into his system so yes he is high," the healer then said, causing Jamie to furrow his eyebrows.

"So that's why I feel dopey..." he mumbled thoughtfully, causing me to chortle loudly.

As I smiled widely at Jamie, I couldn't help but notice how the heavy feeling in my chest was suddenly gone; it wasn't just because I told Jamie about my nightmares, but because with Jamie I felt happier.

It was as if the bleeper somehow found a way to temporarily erase my bad memories and make me feel as if everything was back to normal again.

"What happened to you?" I then asked, looking over at Jamie curiously.

"I think it was those shadowy things you fought off in the forest. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to get a Jammie Dodger of my own to fight them all off," Jamie explained causing me to smile.

"I think that was the single greatest thing I have ever done with my powers," I laughed, causing Jamie to roll his eyes before looking at me as if I was the craziest person alive.

"Have I ever told you that you are probably the weirdest person I have ever met?" Jamie suddenly blurted, causing me to gasp dramatically and nudge him playfully.

Of course, I just happened to end up elbowing Jamie in his wound and according to him, I had a sharp elbow so...

Yeah, the healers banned me from being within five feet from him...


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