Chapter 35

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Within seconds, Arthur practically pounced at me, with a sword in hand, ready to chop me in pieces.

Thankfully, I rolled out of his way just in time, giving me a chance to unsheathe my sword just before Arthur regained his senses.

Our swords suddenly clashed, causing me to stumble a little before tightening my grip.

Just one blow, one blow and I could already feel my muscles burning under the brute strength of that man.

No, he was certainly not just a man. His sudden, jerky movements almost felt feral. Purely instinctual.

It was as if something had clouded his logical thinking whilst also overwhelming him with brute strength.

A beast.

Within seconds, Arthur moved at an unnaturally fast speed, backing up before aiming at my neck, causing me to block his attack once more, wincing slightly at the shakiness of my arms.

In retaliation, I swung my sword across his torso, causing a sudden burst of blood to gush out. The first sign of blood.

Yet somehow, that didn't even phase him.

His speed was the same, his strength almost increased. For some reason, this injured man was getting stronger with every injury.

I was mentally panicking despite furiously attacking him. No matter how much he bled, Arthur did not falter. It was as if he didn't even feel pain.

Suddenly, Arthur violently slammed the hilt of his sword against my wrist, causing me to hiss in pain before dropping my sword.

I looked at my wrist worriedly for a few seconds before quickly running away from Arthur, buying myself some time to come up with a plan.

I was currently completely defenceless yet I somehow had to find a way to kill an armed man who was probably half-demon or some bleep.

I slowly backed up, trying to get away from Arthur's sword, until my back reached a wall _ I was cornered.

This was it. I was going to die.

I prepared myself for the final blow, ready to feel the overwhelming sense of pain.

It didn't come.

I opened my eyes bewilderedly before gasping, I had somehow subconsciously formed a shield around me, protecting my body.

On the other side, Arthur was slashing his sword relentlessly against the shield, getting more and more frustrated at the fact that he barely dented the shield.

That's when it dawned on me: if I could use my powers to make a shield, surely I could do the same but with a sword, right?

The one problem was that I couldn't maintain both. If I was going to try and make a sword, I would have to drop the shield.

I took a deep breath _ better to die trying than to die hiding am I right?

Once I took the shield down, I hurriedly rolled out of the way, just before Arthur could land a lethal blow.

Picturing the sword in my head, the magic started flowing out of my hand as it formed a surprisingly light weapon.

I just hoped it was sharp enough to actually work as a sword.

I slammed my sword against Arthur's, causing it to slice the whole bleeping thing in half.

As Arthur's now destroyed sword clattered against the ground, I aimed my sword at his neck, ready to finally end the battle.

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