Chapter 7

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Both Jack and Grayson are from two of my friend's books. Grayson is from DevilsAdvocate123's book Demoness and Jack is from TakeABreak39's Our Secrets. (Our Secrets has been unpublished for the time being so just ask TakeABreak39 for any details about Jack) Read those if you want more details about those two. Also, if I change a few things, it's just for the sake of the storyline and probably won't be canon to either books.

Ash's POV

I headed over to the library outside of the royal's wing to go and fetch the spellbook that had the useful teleportation spell.

Every few seconds, I'd grumble something under my breath. If you couldn't tell, I hated my brother.

It's not just a simple sibling rivalry my dear friends _ he is my true nemesis and it is my destiny to kill him with... the... uhh... great mystical flower... from the great mystical forest of great mythicality?

Ok, I'll stop now.

Anyway, when I finally got the book of spells, I flicked through the pages to find the teleportation spell which can teleport you immediately to the person you're thinking of.

Thanks to my dear great, great, great, great, great, great, great (one hour later) great grandparents for creating such a useful book!

Oooh! That was a mouthful!

I read the familiar Latin words out loud, picturing my idiot brother in my head. His stupid eyes and stupid hair and his god damn stupid face!

Suddenly, I felt the air around me change as my body was teleported. Going from Celestiam to Earth was always an exhausting journey which took up an insane amount of energy.

That's why Celestians rely on portal keepers. They are Celestians who have the power to summon a portal to any other world, using up tiny amounts of energy.

Unfortunately for me, however, the portal keeper worked with Mrs Blackburn (Maxine's mum and our headteacher) so, if I was to use one of her portals, Mrs Blackburn would immediately know something was off.

Anyway, when I reached Earth, I slowly peeled my eyes open, wincing at the bright lights around me.

I was in a dining room with my brother and another guy. They were both caught up in what seemed to be an arm-wrestling match.

All I hoped for was the fact that the other guy wasn't human, otherwise, I'd have a lot of explaining to do.

The two of them suddenly stopped arm wrestling and turned to me. The other guy holding a look of confusion on his face.

"Hi, Ash!" Jack's voice called out casing my eyes to widen.

His voice was much more mature and... less obnoxious I'd say. Even his looks have changed; his hair was messier and his face looked tired. Goodness, what the hell happened to him!

"I know what you're thinking," Jack smirked, "But it's a long story that can't be summarised. All I can say is that a friend's in trouble _ that's all."

I simply nodded. Although I knew there was more to the story than what Jack was telling me, I decided not to push it.

"Anyways, as you can see here, I'm a little busy so-" Jack began, gesturing at the other guy in the room, causing me to start fuming _ he didn't even hear what I was about to say and yet here he was turning me down!

"So nothing. You are going to come with me and help us out otherwise your whole home will be destroyed," I interrupted, teleporting right in front of the jerk and grabbing the scruff of his neck.

I was usually a chilled out kinda guy but when he is involved, I turn into something much worse than Sophie when she's having a bad day!

"Don't need to be so dramatic. Seriously though, I need to help my friend out first. Can you wait for a couple of days?" Jack asked, clearly not understanding the severity of our situation.

I sighed, silently praying that the other guy wasn't a human before saying, "The element of darkness is taking over Tempus. We need to take him down before he spreads to the rest of the world."

Jack looked at me shocked before nodding with a grave expression on his face, "Fine, I'll help you out, as long as we can take my friend Grayson with us."

I glanced at the guy, who I now know was called Grayson, once more before turning back to Jack, "What is he? A Celestian?"

"Nope," Jack shook his head before smirking, "A demon."

A demon... a demon... a demon... WAIT, A DEMON?!

"WHAT?" I yelled, causing Grayson's gaze to flicker back to me and Jack confusedly.

I then lowered my voice to a whisper and corrected, "I mean, what?"

Jack rolled his eyes, "Grayson's not evil. I mean, his demon is but he isn't. The poor guy just wants to control the beast inside him. That's why he came to me."

"Why does he have to come though?" I asked, whispering quietly before looking at Grayson uncomfortably.

"Because I promised I'd help him and I don't break my promises," Jack replied, genuinely.

As much as I hated him, I really couldn't disagree with him _ Jack stayed true to his word no matter what. That was one of the only things I like about him.

"Fine," I grumbled, "But if he does anything even remotely wrong, you'll both be dead!"

Jack simply shrugged, ignoring my threat before turning back to Grayson, "Hey buddy! This is my lil bro, Ash!"

Jack patted my back a little too hard, causing me to stumble a little. I gave Grayson a nervous smile before mumbling a simple, "Hi."

"Hi. Umm... I'm Grayson," He looked at me with a mix of confusion and amusement.

"Great, so now that we're all acquainted, I'd like to ask you, my dear Grayson, a question. Do you know anything about Celestians?"

"No..." Grayson trailed off nervously as he stared at my furious face _ we had already wasted enough time chit-chatting!

"Look can we explain all this to him in a moment?" I asked with a slight hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Ok, fine," Jack grabbed mine and Grayson's hands, "So, where to?"

"Let me handle this," I smirked at Jack arrogantly before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath in.

I just really hope nothing spirals out of control.

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