Chapter 25

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I was an idiot and forgot to publish yesterday... sue me!

"BLEEPING HELL! YOU BLEEPING BLEEPER! GET THIS BLEEPING THING DOWN!" I screamed, slapping Jamie's back repeatedly.

We were all on the dragon with Jamie at the front and Jack at the very back. As for Emma, well, we were trying to give her some bonding time with Sophie (who she probably thought was a witch) and Maxine.

"I can't get this thing down, Lisa, we're trying to get some good progress done," Jamie gritted out.

Although I knew that, it still didn't make the situation I was in any easier: I was on a bleeping dragon, literally above clouds which meant I was like 75% more likely to die

"Actually, I think it's more like 85%," Maxine said, causing my head to snap towards my friend questioningly _ how did she know what I was thinking?

"You voiced your thoughts," Maxine replied in a monotone voice, "Again."

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at Maxine before turning back to face the lovely view of an oversized back.

"Look, we'll fly down in a few hours for a toilet break and to eat so can you please calm it, woman!" Jamie said sighing tiredly.

You know, I almost felt bad for him.


"But I love being overdramatic," I whined, resting my head on Jamie's shoulder, smiling up at him cheekily.

You know when you're just in the to be the most annoying person you can possibly be?

Yeah, that's the type of mood I was in.

"You're so lucky Emma's with us right now," Jamie mumbled, "Because if she wasn't, I'd have pushed you off this dragon by now."

I gasped dramatically, punching his back before yelling, "How dare you?"

To be honest, I would totally want to kick myself off the dragon too if I was Jamie.

"I'm sowwy Jamie," I mumbled in a childish voice, looking up at him apologetically.

When Jamie didn't reply, I simply said, "I've been a vewy bad girl and I am vewy, vewy sowwy!"

"Is it your job to irritate me to death today, or something?" Jamie asked, causing me to nod with an innocent look on my face.

I suddenly realised that I spent so much time annoying Jamie that I completely forgot that I was 1000s of feet in the air on top of a bleeping dragon!

"BLEEEEEEEEP!" I suddenly screamed loudly once more, causing everyone to groan in annoyance.

"I hate you," Jamie grumbled under his breath as I started to slap his back once more.

I seriously think Jamie was 10 seconds away from making me fall to my death.

(An agonizing 45 minutes of Lisa's screaming later)

"HALLELUJAH!" I yelled in relief, flopping on the ground.

The others simply slid off the dragon gracefully, rolling their eyes at me whilst Ash burst out laughing.

"You're... scared... of heights," Ash laughed, practically rolling on the ground with tears if laughter in his eyes.

"Do you feel joy in my pain?" I wailed dramatically, faking a hurt expression.

Ash paused for a few seconds before cheekily smiling at me, "Yep."

I contemplated killing him right there and then, however, I remembered that Maxine would be without her true love if I killed Ash.

"You're so lucky I ship you and Maxine together. I'd have killed you otherwise!" I grumbled as the couple blushed.

Bleeping hell, I might as well call them the blushing couple _ yes, it was that bad.

Anyway, after we all went for a quick toilet break and ate some food, I relaxed in one of the sleeping bags, staring at the sky tiredly.

Who knew that almost dying on the back of a dragon could be so exhausting?

"You never mentioned your fear of heights," Jamie mumbled, sitting down next to my sleeping bag.

"I never thought it was necessary to mention my phobias," I replied, smirking at Jamie's slightly annoyed expression.

To be honest, I hoped I'd never had to mention it at all _ it was way too embarrassing.

I mean, I was the bleeping queen of a magical world and the only thing that was my weakness was goddamn heights!

I could just imagine myself losing to Arthur because of this fear; we'd probably be on the edge of a cliff (because that's the most epic battleground), and I'd just freeze in fear after looking over the edge, causing Arthur to chop me up using a giant toothpick (because I always wanted to be killed by one of those) and he'd then push me off the cliff.

And then I'd come back to life because I somehow landed in holy water then I'd grab a giant boomerang from the holy water (because why not?) and then-

Oops... I may have got just a tad bit carried away...

"Rest up for a bit. We'll leave at night," Jamie instructed, causing everyone to quickly rush into their sleeping bags, not wanting to miss a single second of extra sleep.

"And you're gonna try and be all responsible so you'll stay up the whole time, watching over us like the idiot you are!" I then stated, before reluctantly getting out of my sleeping bag.

I then made my way towards Jamie, sitting down next to him before saying, "I know you, you stubborn bleeper. You won't go to bed no matter how many times  I'll threaten you to do it. So, I guess I'll let us both suffer."

Jamie rolled his eyes, "No, you will go back to your comfy little sleeping bag and you'll rest."

"Actually," I retorted, "I will stay here with you until your stubbornness finally wears off and you finally sleep."

"Actually," Jamie replied with the slightest hint of a smile on his face, "You are going to go and sleep. I'll stay here and wait for everyone to get some rest."

"Actually," I was about to reply, however a chorus of groans coming from the others interrupted me.

"WE KNOW YOU LOVE EACH OTHER SO SHUT THE HELL UP _ SOME PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO SLEEP!" Sophie yelled irritatedly, causing me and Jamie to start smirking at each other.

"Bleeping hell, I feel bad for your parents. Not only did they have to raise a depressed Jammie Dodger, but they also had to deal with a temperamental, violent girl," I mumbled, causing Jamie to elbow me playfully.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Jamie protested with a hand over his heart.

"You sure about that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh please! You love me, Lisa," Jamie replied, smirking at me teasingly.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," I answered vaguely.

I totally did.

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