Chapter 9

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The next two days went by quickly. Way, way, way too quickly in my opinion.

One moment, I was stuck boring, old etiquettes class and the next, I'm packing up for a long journey!

I hate how fast everything moved _ it felt as if I never got the chance to properly say goodbye.

I stood there with the others in the royal's wing with a backpack full of clothes, food and a bottle of water; one of the greatest things about having two Ocianian royals tag along is the fact that they can summon fresh water out of nothing!

At least that's the water problem sorted.

Anyway, after saying our goodbyes to the other royals, we waited for Ash and Maxine to come.

You see, it was twice as hard for Maxine and Ash to make it to the royal's wing seen as they're more likely to be seen by a teacher.

A few minutes later, Maxine and Ash burst into the room, causing me to sigh in relief _ they survived.

"So, are you gonna go for a final group hug or can we leave now?" Jack asked after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Bleep you. And of course, we'll have a group hug _ there's no better way of saying goodbye!" I snapped before squeezing the life out of the other royals for one more time.

We said our final goodbyes again before standing in a circle, holding hands.

Jack took one deep breath in before mumbling, "To Ociania we go."

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, feeling a strange tingling sensation that I felt each time I teleported with Ash.

Once I opened my eyes, I gasped at the scene in front of us: in front of us was a gargantuan waterfall, leading to a fairly large river which stretched out for miles.

In the distance was a large castle, made out of what seemed to be aquamarine _ which is bleeping expensive.

"Home sweet home," I heard Sophie mumble, beaming widely.

A few feet beside me, I heard a person vomiting, causing my stomach to clench slightly.

To make matters worse, I could smell the reek of vomit, making me gag. I had to literally swallow the bile down before running as far away from the source of the stench as possible.

"Sorry," Grayson mumbled, tiredly, "Forgot to close my eyes."

"Don't worry about it buddy, we all made that mistake at least once," Jack patted his friend on the back before handing him a bottle of water which he chugged down in one sip.

"I didn't," Jamie mumbled, causing me to elbow him in the ribs before glaring daggers at him.

"So," Ash quickly butted in before me and Jamie could have another fight, "Where exactly are we?"

"At the border of Ociania," Jamie said, with a small smile on his face, "We should probably start walking towards the first village at least _ that's where we can get ourselves some horses so we don't need to waste our energy on walking."

I nodded my head, agreeing to Jamie's suggestion: getting some horses would be the most logical explanation and it would be more reassuring if we got more food.

"Okay, so, where is this village?" I asked, praying that it wasn't too far away.

"It's... umm... well... up there," Jamie replied sheepishly, pointing to the top of the waterfall and causing everyone, except for Sophie, to stare at him in shock.

"WHAT?" I yelled in his ear as he winced.

"You heard what I said. And besides, it's not as if it's impossible," Jamie replied calmly, infuriating me even more.

"Your insufferable," I muttered angrily.

"I'm not the only one," He replied, smirking at me.

"Bleeper," I growled.

"Idiot," he retorted.

"Annoying," I spat.

"Thanks, I appreciate the compliment, shorty," He replied, causing me to glare at him menacingly.

No one insults my height without getting away with it.

"My height is average thank you very much. It's you who's the abnormally tall one you... giraffe," I snapped back as he rolled his eyes.

"Is that even an insult?" Jamie inquired amusedly.

"Doesn't matter what it actually means. What matters is how it's used and right now, I'm using it as an insult," I replied, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I'll take that as a compliment _ tall men are seen as insanely attractive," Jamie stated arrogantly whilst smirking at my annoyed expression.

"Says who?" I snorted.

"Every single person who's sent me those marriage requests," He answered smugly. No joke, though, Jamie really did receive plenty of marriage requests from dads desperate to get their daughters on the throne.

"You and I both know that if you weren't royal, no one would even consider you attractive," I smirked when I saw Jamie's smirk fall _ he knew I was right.

"CAN YOU TWO STOP FLIRT-FIGHTING AND GET UP HERE?" We heard a yell. However, I couldn't help but notice how far away the voice sounded.

I looked around me confusedly for a few seconds before looking up at the top of the cliff where everyone else, besides me and Jamie, stood with amused expressions.


"SORRY, LISA. THIS IS WAY TOO ENTERTAINING!" Ash yelled back, laughing loudly, causing me to huff angrily.

"JACK, HELP US OUT!" I then yelled before mentally smirking _ there was no way Jack would refu-

"SORRY YOUR MAJESTIES, I'M ALL OUT OF ENERGY!" Jack replied, as politely as possible.

Muttering a few profanities that would probably get me grounded for life if mum heard me, I stared at the wall in front of me and Jamie.

"You know, this thing looked a whole lot smaller 10 seconds ago," I mumbled, gulping as Jamie nodded in agreement.

"So, ladies first," Jamie gestured for me to move in front of him.

That little bleeper!

"Coward," I growled, ramming my shoulder into his side before taking a deep breath and lifting my leg off the ground and resting it on a somewhat sturdy part of the cliff, with my hands clutching a mini ledge tightly.

I gingerly lifted my other leg before taking another shaky breath in. This was it _ I was actually rock climbing.

Did I forget to mention that I don't know how to rock climb?

It took me a few minutes to get to the top, however, it felt like hours had passed! I have never felt so terrified in my life!

I'm blaming Ash for this.

Anyway, turns out that the whole time I was climbing, Jamie was following along, apparently making sure that it didn't fall.

Once we made it up to the top I attempted to launch myself at Ash, trying to push him down the cliff.

Unfortunately, I was held back by Jamie, who then had the audacity of picking me up like a ragdoll and carrying me on his shoulder.

"I hate you people," I muttered to Jamie before folding my arms childishly.

"Sure you do," Jamie replied sarcastically. I could practically hear him roll his eyes _ that's how hard he was rolling them.

"Onwards!" Ash called out dramatically, pointing towards the village which could be seen in the distance.

Ah, bleep _ I've always wanted to say that.

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