Chapter 39

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About six weeks later, the healers were finally able to remove my cast.

It was about bleeping time! I mean, it felt as if I was going to be hobbling about clumsily with one leg and two crutches for the rest of my bleeping life!

To make matters worse, the healers even brought a therapist in with me to sort out my serious dream problem.

To be honest, I think the therapist was probably trying to fish out exactly what happened in Arthur's palace.

Not only that but due to the fact that I was limited to the distances I could walk, I wasn't allowed to leave the room so Jamie literally heard everything that I said!

Although I did find it a little awkward with Jamie around, it did kinda help to know that I wasn't exactly alone.

I mean, every time the therapist would push too many buttons, Jamie would either change the subject or ask the woman to leave so I could have a cooldown time.

Not only that but thanks to him, we were able to annoy the bleep out of the poor thing!

I mean, every few seconds, Jamie would say something weird out of nowhere, causing the therapist to tell him off and me to laugh my butt off.

A couple of weeks after that, the therapist actually quit and left me to finally relax for once!

Honestly, I didn't really feel like there was anything wrong with me; with my friends around, the nightmares have gotten that tiny bit better and I wasn't thinking about Arthur nearly as much.

Anyway, on the day the healers finally removed my cast, Jack entered with a very special guest _ Emma!

Apparently, Jack brought her back ages ago however she wasn't allowed to enter the room due to the fact that she was so young and they didn't want her to see any blood or bruises.

When Emma entered the room nervously, I patted the space next to me and bent down to pick Emma up.

I then popped her down on my lap, causing her to cuddle me tightly.

Mere seconds later, mum and Mark burst into the room, causing us all to visibly jump.

"Oh... hi mum..." I mumbled sheepishly as my mum glared at me, her gaze softening once she saw how tired I looked.

"I swear, young lady, you do that again and I'll make sure you never leave your room ever again!" Mum snapped, causing me to smile apologetically.

"Sorry," I mumbled as my mum rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Honestly, you got us all worked up again," Mark said as I mumbled apologetically once more, "Though, I know that nothing I'll say will stop you from being the crazy madwoman you are so..."

I punched Mark playfully, glaring out him after I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Mark, be nice to your sister!" Mum chided, as Mark looked down at his shoes sheepishly.

Once again, the perks of being injured.

Anyway, after a few seconds of silence, Mark turned his gaze towards Jamie, causing me to gulp loudly _ I could just tell that idiot was ten seconds away from starting a war!

"Jamie," Mark mumbled a greeting, glaring at Jamie viciously as if he was about to commit a murder.

"Hi... Mark..." Jamie replied nervously, as he avoided my brother's crazy glare.

"You know I hate you, right?" Mark said bluntly, causing me to snicker quietly under my breath.

"Umm... yeah?" Jamie replied, looking at Mark curiously.

"And you know I hate the fact that you're dating my little sister, right?" Mark then asked, causing me to groan and facepalm.

He was seriously have this conversation with both me and Jamie in a bleeping hospital!

"I-I guess..." Jamie stammered, bracing himself for the worst.

"And yet this whole time you're still dating her," Mark said, suddenly walking up to Jamie.

"Umm... Mark, you do realise that Jamie is hospitalised right now?" I said, getting up from my bed and rushing over to where Mark was.

"Shut up! I'm trying to get this conversation done and over with ok?" Mark snapped, causing me to sigh _ that stuck up bleeper!

"Ok, what the hell do you want from me?" Jamie demanded, causing Mark to glare at Jamie once more.

"I want my sister to remain single for the rest of her life," Mark replied bluntly, "I mean, you know how that feels right?"

"Hey!" I whined loudly, however, the two of them simply ignored me _ rude!

"Well... yeah but-" Jamie began however wasn't even able to complete his sentence.

"So, clearly you'd understand why I'll let you carry on dating my sister," Mark suddenly said, causing me and Jamie to gape at Mark.

"Excuse me, say that again?" Jamie mumbled in disbelief.

"You are seriously thick in the head!" Mark snapped before sighing, "Look, I know I've been giving you a bad time and all but I love Lisa and clearly you do to so, I'll just sit back cause it seems you're too whipped to start treating her wrong."

The two of us looked at each other wide-eyed, with a light blush on our cheeks.

Before Jamie left the room, he said, "I swear if I catch you two making out I'll cut every last strand of your stupid hair understand!"

Jamie saluted dramatically, causing Mark to roll his eyes before leaving the room.

"What sort of children have I raised," Mum sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Hey!" I snapped loudly, causing my mum to shrug playfully, "I am a perfectly good child ok?"

"Yes, a perfectly good child who is obsessed with the word bleep and stupid suicidal plans," mum replied, smiling cheekily before walking up to me and kissing my cheek.

"I'll see you later mum," I said, smiling widely.

"You're grounded," mum suddenly whispered in my ear before walking out of the room, causing me to groan loudly.

I missed those bleepers.

(Don't tell mum I wrote that)

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