Chapter 26

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They taped my mouth shut.

No joke, after everyone was ready to hop back on the dragon, Ash literally took a whole roll of tape from his bag and handed it to Jamie.

Then, that little bleeping Jammie Dodger ripped off a long strip of tape before covering my mouth with it.

After that, get this, Ash practically restrained me from getting my revenge on Jamie!

I mean, I was only going to kill him _ what's so bad about that?

Anyway, just because my mouth was taped shut didn't mean that I remained still the entire time.

Oh, bleep no! I spent the whole time punching Jamie's back whilst kicking the back of his legs _ to be honest, I was pretty sure I was being a lot more annoying than last time!

"I hate you," Jamie grumbled after I punched him for about the millionth time.

Once again, I almost felt bad for him.

Then I remembered he taped my mouth shut and let all my burning rage out on the idiot.

This is why, my dear friends, you should never mess with a crazy magical future queen of a mystical world.

Because you will totally come across one of those in your life.

Anyway, as we flew through the sky, I noticed a tiny dark speck in the distance. I squinted my eyes for a long while before mentally panicking.

I then started kicking Jamie's legs with as much power as I could muster, whilst punching his back repeatedly.

For a few seconds, I actually cursed the bleeping tape. That is until I realised my hands weren't tied and that I could totally take the tape off.

I ripped the tape off of my mouth, wincing painfully, before pointing towards the emerging figures, "GET DOWN NOW!"

Jamie looked at what I pointed before cursing under his breath and flying the dragon down.

Before we can reach the safe ground, a swarm of black shadows flew in our direction, throwing the dragon off its course and causing it to tumble down onto the ground.

Everyone quickly slid off the dragon, running as fast as they could away from the flying shadows.

You see, none of us actually knew what those creatures would do so it'd be better if we run away from them instead of testing out what they could do.

Then again, shoving Jamie into that swarm and seeing what happens does sound like a pretty good idea.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, running away! So, I quickly ran as fast as I could before turning back to face the creatures.

I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume that those monsters came from Arthur. If that was the case then surely I could make my own version of them, right?

I stood still, calmly staring at the shadows, analysing their features, studying every single bit of it, before closing my eyes and picturing myself making one.

I felt the rush of energy flow through my system and out of my fingertips to form my masterpiece.

A... umm... huh... I somehow made a Jammie Dodger...

No, not Jamie, I meant the real biscuit. It was about three times the size of me and has a ridiculous amount of detail.

Ok, so maybe I was a tiny bit hungry whilst conjuring up the figures but... I mean... I swear I was concentrating!

I think.

Anyway, due to me standing completely still in shock, I almost missed the glorious scene: the Jammie Dodger flew straight at the shadows, causing some of the shadowy figures to deteriorate.

The rest let put a weird combination of a hiss and a growl before running away, causing the large Jammie Dodger to stop in its tracks before disappearing.

"Wow, your obsession with Jamie is much worse than I thought it was," Ash mumbled after a few minutes of silence.

I rolled my eyes before elbowing Ash as hard as I could.

"GEEZ WOMAN!" Ash yelled, clutching his stomach in pain.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Sophie asked, causing everyone to look at me expectantly.

What was up with people and turning to me for everything and- oh wait, I was their future queen.

Anyway, I simply turned back to the others and said, "Look, we should probably set up camp here and Charles and Sophie can go and see these friends Charles was on about so much."

Everyone else seemed to be fine with my plan as they started to fix up the tents and get the firewood ready for the cold night.

After a few more minutes, we all settled around the campfire, all cuddled up together, looking as if we were on a camping trip ready to hear spooky stories about the local ghosts in the area.

On my lap, with her illuminant eyes staring into the distance, was Emma, bouncing up and down in my arms as she occasionally giggled, clearly in her own little world.

"I feel like I should sing," Sophie then dramatically announced, causing all of us to start panicking.

"NO," everyone except for Emma yelled at the same time.

"Ok, ok, just saying," Sophie mumbled defensively as the rest of us sighed in relief.

No one can sing worse than Sophie! Seriously, she sounded like a mule on drugs crying its eyes out.

Yes, it was that bad.

Anyway, as I snuggled to the person next to me, I heard a series of loud awww's. It actually took me a moment to realise the reason as to why they were awing.

The person I snuggled up against was Jamie.

I swear this writer is rejoicing in my embarrassment _ I could practically see her snickering every time I'd embarrass myself in front of Jamie!

I bet you she was cackling evilly every bleeping time I'd put myself in awkward situations! (I totally was)

Anyway, feeling Jamie's arm slyly wrap around me, I simply shrugged. I couldn't be bothered to move and he was comfy anyway!

"I feel like you have a habit of sleeping in my arms," Jamie whispered as I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help it!" I protested with my eyes half open, "You're too comfortable for your own good!"

Jamie simply chuckled quietly before kissing the top of my head, "Goodnight," he whispered causing me to close my eyes and relax.


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