Chapter 22

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After a few minutes of our endless bickering, we finally reached the large lake.

It was gorgeous.

Surrounding the lake was an orderly line of trees. Their reflections could be seen in the lake, causing the area to look exactly like one of those fancy paintings you've always wanted to master.

The lake was unnaturally blue _ the same shade of blue Jamie's eyes turn whenever he uses his powers.

"Woah," I heard someone mumbled in awe.

"Woah indeed," Jamie smirked before looking at the lake fondly, "One of the only places I actually like in Ociania."

Despite Jamie's... grudge against Ociania, it was obvious that he cared about his kingdom _ moments like that one showed that clearly.

We then all got off our horses and headed by the lake. I took out a long rope, which Ash bought in the town, and tied it around Jamie's waist.

I then tied one of the most complicated knots I could think of. (To be honest, I was just tying the same type of knot multiple times before making a weird loop at the end.)

I then started pulling on the rope, testing to see if it would fall off, causing Jamie to grunt in pain _ I may have tied it a little too tightly.

Once I was 89% sure it was safe, I finally backed up a tiny bit from Jamie before saying once more, "If you're even in the slightest bit of danger, tell Sophie. We'll get you outta there quick and we'll just forget about the dragon."

Jamie rolled his eyes, "I know, I know! Look, Lisa, I'll be fine. I'm older than you-"

"By one month!" I protested.

"And I'm also, way taller than you," Jamie then pointed out,  causing me to glare at him. I mean, he wasn't wrong.

"Shut up!" I snapped before wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly, "I swear, if you die on me I'll let your ghost witness me chop your own dead body to pieces!"

Jamie chuckled quietly before finally letting go of me and patting his sister on the back, "Don't let me down, Soph."

"You doubt me for one more second and I'll consider keeping you in there for the rest of your life!" Sophie threatened, causing me to smile proudly at her _ she's spent way too much time with me.

"Love you too," Jamie replied overly cheerful before diving into the lake.

I wasn't really worried about Jamie running out of oxygen. Seen as he was an Ocianian royal, he could breathe underwater.

The thing I was really worried about, however, was the lake's endless supply of monsters.

Now, I may not pay that much attention in class but I certainly do remember the horrifying images out teachers showed us.

I'm getting chills just thinking about them.

Anyway, after a few tense seconds, I started to grow restless. Yes, I knew Jamie was very capable of protecting himself, I just couldn't help but worry.

I started pacing back and forth, impatiently staring at the lake, expecting Jamie to emerge once more.

"I think we might need to tie Lisa up," Ash stated, causing me to roll my eyes, "We leave her out here for one more second and I think she'll dive right in."

"Don't tempt me," I snapped before sitting down by the edge of the lake tapping my feet against the ground.

I really hoped Jamie wasn't eaten by a Celestian piranha or something.

Jamie's POV

I almost lost my feet to piranhas.

It was from the moment I dived into the lake which I felt (more like heard) I was being followed.

The next thing I know, I had those little beasts biting at my boots (I decided to keep my clothes on seen as I needed at least some layers of protection).

Anyway, after a few seconds of trying to get the piranhas off me, I lost patience and simply used my magic to get rid of those annoying pests.

After that, I propelled myself forwards. To be honest, I wasn't 100% sure what I was supposed to be looking for however according to some books, the Ocianian Dragon was located in an underwater cave.

A few seconds of pointless swimming later, I saw something almost glowing in the corner of my eyes _ crystals.


Dragons were attracted to treasures, therefore, anything that shone so brightly must lead to the huge creatures.

I swam towards the light, making my way there as quickly as possible.

Realising that what I was swimming to was a cave, I mentally cheered _ I must've been somewhat close.

Entering the cave, I aimlessly swam around it for a few seconds before noticing a slight gap which I could squeeze through.

I swam towards it before turning my body to the side so I could fit my huge build through it.

Once I squeezed my way through, I stared, awestruck at the scene around me: I was in a much larger cave with crystals all over the place. The floor was practically covered in gold and lying there, on top of a mountain of gold, was the dragon.

Lisa's POV

I was ten seconds away from diving right into the lake and forcing Jamie back up.

"Has he said anything yet?" I asked Sophie for about the millionth time, causing everyone around me to groan in annoyance.

"For the millionth time, Lisa, Jamie hasn't said anything!" Sophie snapped irritability.

"Why don't you just sleep?" Grayson suggested, "It'll save you from being worried."

I shook my head before replying with, "No can do. I won't be able to rest until I'm 110% sure Jamie's fine."

"And you two somehow haven't kissed yet," I heard Sophie mumble, causing me to roll my eyes and ignore her.

The amount of times I've heard that is unbelievable! Everyone's telling us that we act like a bleeping married couple!

It was frustrating when people gave us odd looks when we told them we weren't actually "official".  I mean, I knew we liked each other a lot but sometimes, I feel like we're more like friends with benefits.

We're not exactly the affectionate type, I guess.

"Guys," Sophie then said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Jamie's in trouble."

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