Chapter 31

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It was night and we all were dotted around the room, some of us in sleeping bags and some of us were lying on the sofas.

I stared up at the ceiling in deep thought.

We were literal days away from killing Arthur. Days away from having to kill a fellow Celestian.

And I'll be the one to do it.

For once, it finally started feeling more real. What once felt like something so far away in the future was mere hours from happening.

Sighing, I sat up, staring at my open palm as I conjured up my magic, making sure it wasn't too bright to wake any of the others up.

I swirled my magic between my hands, watching as it flew through my hands and bent to my will.

Was this good enough for me to do it? For me to kill the most powerful Celestiam, besides me, with more experience.

I mean, he nearly killed us with a bunch of shadows! True, I did beat them with my own Jammie Dodger but still!

I barely made it in time, and besides, Arthur was able to keep the shadows alive without even being there in the first place!

Bleeping hell, we're gonna lose!

I stood up and walked towards the door, careful to avoid the sleeping figures, before sliding past it and sitting on the slightly damp floor _ I needed some alone time.

I leant my head against the wall, sighing tiredly. The overwhelming sense of anxiety suddenly tackled me as a million doubts filled my head.

"You're terrible at being quiet, you know that right?" Maxine grumbled, rubbing her eyes tiredly whilst settling down next to me.

"Sorry," I mumbled apologetically, staring at the wall opposite us thoughtfully.

"Does that wall have some interesting secret message or are you just daydreaming?" Maxine asked, looking at me amusedly.

"Actually, I'm having a deep moment here where all my doubts surface, ok! So can you please leave me and my conscience alone," I then said, causing Maxine to roll her eyes.

"You, my friend, need a meaningful moment with you BFF. Not a super depressing moment with your messed up conscience," Maxine then replied teasingly.

"Hey! My conscience has feelings too, you know!" I snapped defensively, glaring at Maxine.

"And sometimes I wonder if you're secretly a five year old," Maxine grumbled as I slapped the back of her head.

The two of us stayed frozen for a few seconds before chuckling quietly.

All of a sudden, all those worries fled to the back of my mind.

(A few moments later)

We stayed there for a long while talking, teasing each other and play fighting until the morning.

Coming from the room, I heard the panicked yells of Jamie and Ash, clearly wondering where the hell me and Maxine popped off to.

When someone tried to shove the door open, they whacked me right in the face, causing me to start yelling at them loudly.

"YOU IDIOT! CAN'T YOU BE A LITTLE MORE GENTLE WITH THAT BLEEPING DOOR!" I practically screamed, causing Jamie's head, which just popped up from behind the door, to look at me in shock.

"Where the hell were you?" Jamie demanded, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Right here," Maxine replied for me, helping me up.

When Jamie saw my face, he visibly winced, mumbling apologetically whilst cursing himself at the same time.

"I seriously don't know what you guys are freaking about..." I then trailed off before looking down at my slightly bloody shirt.

I reached up to touch my nose before literally screaming my head off once I saw the blood on my fingers.

"YOU BLEEPER! MY NOSE IS BLEEDING BECAUSE OF YOU!" I yelled, preparing myself to punch the life out of Jamie.

"Calm down, Lisa! Beth, can you help her please?" Charles then asked, causing the girl to walk up to me and force me to sit down.

"Don't freak out but Jamie fractured your nose," Beth mumbled after fully inspecting the damage, causing me to glare menacingly at Jamie.

"HE DID WHAT?" I practically boomed as Beth rolled her eyes.

"I said not to freak out! Anyway, I can only speed up the healing process by a couple of days, after that wait for two days at least for your nose to fully heal," Beth said, hovering her fingers on top of my nose.

I felt a strange tingly sensation as my nose slowly began to heal.

I could practically feel myself about to scratch my itchy nose, causing Beth to use her free hand to grip my own, ensuring that I don't end up making things worse.

"Don't itch it!" She snapped, focusing on my nose, gently using her magic to put it back in place.

Of course, due to the fact that it was still fragile, I'd have to make sure that I didn't go into battle with a half-broken nose only to make things worse.

Thankfully, however, I'd get to delay the moment I become a murderer.

The moment Beth stepped away from me, Jamie pushed past her with a wet paper towel and dabbed at my bloody nose, apologising way too much than necessary.

"I'm fine!" I snapped, causing Jamie to smile sheepishly at me, dabbing my nose one final time before throwing the paper towel in the bin.

"You are not fine! I just fractured your nose!" Jamie snapped.

"Oh please! I had way worse injuries than this and you know that!" I replied playfully, causing everyone in the room to stare at me blankly _ ok, so maybe it wasn't ok to joke about my multiple near-death experiences but still!

I found it funny...

After about an hour of Jamie fussing over me, I began to relax a little and enjoy it.

I mean, if you have someone you can guilt into becoming your personal butler, why not do it?

That is why, my friends, by the middle of the day, I was lying on the sofa with Jamie literally feeding me grapes!

To be honest, I enjoyed having a fractured nose a lot more than I should've.

Hmm... maybe I should get my nose fractured soon... I mean, I'm feeling pretty lazy today and I'd rather have breakfast in bed and all and-

Oh wait, I really shouldn't be writing this down with Jamie nearby...

Anyway, after a long while of eating the grapes, my head finally cleared and I finally relaxed.

"You look tired," Jamie pointed out, "Sleep."

"I don't... need your permission," I mumbled, yawning loudly before sighing, causing Jamie to gently kiss my forehead before leaving me to sleep.

I really should get fractured noses more often.

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