Chapter 17

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I looked around me, seeing if anyone else saw Jamie faint like that. I needed someone else to relish in that moment.

My eyes met Sophie's and Maxine's, causing the three of us to burst out laughing.

He fainted! As in, "fully unconscious and way too scared to wake up" fainting!

Best not to be confused by "fully unconscious because I'm about to die" fainting.

After laying Jamie down, with the help of Maxine and Sophie of course, on a sleeping bag, I sat down by his side with a small smile on my face.

"I can't believe the bleeper fainted," I mumbled to myself, smiling at him.

"You really do love the guy, don't you?" Grayson asked, making me jump.

Woah, woah woah, woah! Who said anything about... love ? Where the bleep did Grayson get that from?

"Wh-what d-d-do you... umm mean?" I replied, blushing profoundly.

"With the way you two look at each other. I mean, it's kinda obvious," Grayson replied, giving me a knowing smile.

"We don't lo-" I protested, my whole face was an unnaturally bright red.

"LIES!" Ash yelled dramatically, teleporting next to us and causing me and Grayson to jump.

Geez, what was with everyone and scaring me that day?

"Bleep you!" I yelled, slapping the back of Ash's head.

"Thank you!" Ash replied, in an overly cheery voice.

Oh so he's using the "I'm not gonna act offended in order to annoy you" tactic!

Bring it bleeper.

"You know," I began, with an evil smirk on my face, "I could always tell your big brother about the little situation I found you and Maxine in back at Magus Academy."

Ash looked at me in horror, "I'm so sorry, oh great mythical queen! I am nothing in your presence and will forever be an idiotic bleeper!"

"Clever boy," I said, smirking at Ash's terrified face.

If there was one thing I was good at, it was making threats. To be honest, I'm pretty sure about 75% of the things I say are threats.

"Ash, get over here right now!" Maxine yelled, "The author is clearly trying to give those two some alone time!"

Rolling his eyes, Ash teleported back to Maxine whilst Grayson stood up and walked away _ presumably to eat his dinner. 

I then noticed how Jamie had the tiniest smile on his face. It was barely visible, yet still there.

"I know you're awake," I stated, smirking when Jamie sat up, giving me an embarrassed smile.

A few seconds of staring at each other was all it took for me to burst out laughing once more.

"You fainted!" I barely wheezed out, as tears trailed down my cheeks _ yes, I was laughing that hard.

"Shut it!" Jamie snapped, as I continued to laugh ridiculously loud. I could've sworn Jamie blushed a tiny bit!

"Don't be salty, you little drama queen!" I said, pinching his bright red cheeks.

"I'm no drama queen!" Jamie protested, "You're basically volunteering to become a mother _ at the age of 17, might I add!"

"Yeah, but I can't just drop the girl off at any random orphanage! I wanna make sure she's happy. The poor thing's so young! I-I just want her to live a normal life," I replied, looking down at the ground with a grim expression on my face.

"I get that. I really do. But, Lisa, you're only 17. You already have a ton of pressure on you. Taking care of a kid _ especially one who's been through hell like that _ is just too much. I don't want you to stress like that," Jamie whispered, tilted my head so I was looking up at him.

"What if I can prove to you that I can do this. That I'll be able to balance my life and taking care of the girl," I suggested, looking at him in pure determination.

"Then I'll say you can adopt her... as long as you give her a temporary guardian until you're 100% ready to be a mother," Jamie replied truthfully, causing me to smile up at him, with a light blush on my cheeks.

I only just realised how close we were to each other : I could feel Jamie's breath fan my face and could hear his heart beat faster and faster.

My smile somehow widened, loving the effect I had on Jamie.

I wrapped my arms around Jamie, leaning closer and closer to him.

We had no Mark to interrupt us anymore. No studying to freak out about. No training to panic about.

It was just me and that jammie dodger in our own world.

Suddenly, I heard a loud squeal, causing me and Jamie to back away from each other, our faces bright red.

Sophie stared at the two of us in shock before gasping loudly, "I ruined your super romantic moment... I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!"

We both stared at Sophie blankly, awkwardly smiling at each other when our eyes met.

We almost kissed.... as in we almost kissed.... as in I WANTED TO KISS HIM! As in I-

I think you get the point.

For a second, I thought about what Grayson asked me back then. You know, the cliché love question.

Did I... love... Jamie?

I mean, we did know each other for three whole years... and I'm 99.99999% sure that I liked Jamie as something more than just a friend but... did I love him?

"I'm gonna check on the girl. You know, I kinda need to be the worried mother I'm supposed to be," I mumbled, breaking the awkward silence and walking into the girl's tent.

The girl's skin was unnaturally pale, her body so tiny in the large sleeping bag.

She looked so vulnerable, so powerless, that I couldn't help but feel the need to protect her.

Once I adopt her, I'll treat her like the princess she deserves to be. I'll protect her and make her smile every single bleeping day.

I'll be there for her when she needs me the most. I'll be the one to give her the talk and, of course, boy advice.

She'll be my baby and I'll be her mother.

I just hope I'd live long enough for that dream to come true.

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