Chapter 2

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Jamie's eyes widened in fear as he stared in horror at the face of my brother _ he honestly looked as if he was face to face with an evil ghost!

If Jamie wasn't 10 seconds away from being killed, I would've actually burst out laughing.

Anyway, Jamie quickly grabbed my hand and sprinted away, dragging me behind him.

I could hear footsteps trailing behind us. For some stupid reason, Mark decided to follow us.

Bleeping hell _ why was he making things so hard for us?

"Split up and meet me at the greenhouse!" Jamie yelled before taking a left turn towards the kitchen.

I headed to the living room, running as fast as I could: Jamie took the long way to the greenhouse, giving me a chance to find a way to get rid of Mark.

Ignoring everyone's stares, I ran straight to the indoor greenhouse _ a place I only visited a few times.

After looking around for a few seconds, I spotted the perfect things: a long oddly shaped stick, small tiny stones and well the one thing the greenhouse was full of _ vines.

A few seconds later, I heard a set of footsteps, perfect timing.

I quickly grabbed the stick and cut off a vine before creating a slingshot. Then, I crouched by the pile of stones.

When a figure walked into the room, I let out a loud battle cry before using the slingshot to shoot stones at the figure.

"OW! LISA STOP IT!" Jamie suddenly yelled, causing me to look up at him and smile guiltily.

"Oops..." I mumbled sheepishly before asking, "Where the bleep did Mark go?"

Glaring at me, Jamie said, "He let me go... with a warning of course... said he'd skin me alive and then feed me to the sharks. Is coming up with threats something that runs in the family?"

I rolled my eyes, smirking, "We're very scary individuals."

"Not scarier than Soph, that's for sure," Jamie muttered, just loud enough for me to hear.

Snorting loudly, I said, "No one is scarier than that devil!"

The two of us laughed for a few seconds.

It was times like these that made me feel normal again; things like messing around with my friends and laughing like a maniac just made everything seem lighter.

All of a sudden, all the stress I lived through those last few weeks disappeared.

Well, that is until a guard came walking in.

"Your majesties," he greeted formally, vowing in respect.

"Hi, Malcolm," I chirped. Seen as I was such a nice person, I decided to learn more about the guards and I then started treated them like friends.

See? I wasn't only a whiny bleeper!

"He is here to see you," Malcolm said, referring to the messenger that the royals sent.

"You know, you don't have to play the pronoun game. Besides, if you don't need to sound dramatic, don't be all like "he is here" I swear you know his name! And-" I began ranting, causing Malcolm to roll his eyes.

Jamie patted my shoulder, stopping my rant and said, "Just see the messenger already!"

Oh wait, you guys don't know who this messenger guy is.

Well, seen as I wasn't able to attend any meetings, the older royals decided to send a messenger to Magus Academy every now and then to update me on Celestiam's current situation.

Although I did hope that they did it out of the kindness in their hearts, I know they did it to keep me satisfied; if I didn't know about what was happening, I'd probably freak out and try to solve the problem on my own.

Apparently, that wasn't a good thing...

Anyway, I thanked Malcolm before heading to the entrance of the royal's wing, where the messenger would be, with Jamie walking right next to me.

When I got down there, I came face to face with a fairly scrawny man with a sword strapped to his side.

Huh, I didn't recognize that guy. I guess the royals decided to change it up a bit.

"Good afternoon, your majesty," he greeted in a surprisingly deep voice.

Seriously, I expected a Mickey Mouse voice to come out from his mouth! I know judging someone based on their looks is bad and all, it was still incredibly shocking.

"Hi... uhh..." I trailed off, looking at him awkwardly as I didn't know his name.

"Bernard, your majesty," he introduced himself, bowing.

"Nice to meet you," I nodded formally, "What is going on in Tempus so far?"

Tempus was the first kingdom to be attacked by Arthur (the wielder of darkness) and was in extreme danger.

I continuously worried about Tempus and so did Leo _ the kingdom's heir.

"The enemy has pushed us back a bit however they still haven't reached halfway through Tempus yet," Bernard explained as I looked at him with a look of mild interest.

I didn't really care about how close the enemy was from the kingdom's centre _ where the castle was_ seen as all the royals are gathered in the Celestian palace.

"How many deaths?" I asked. To be honest, I always dreaded the answer to this question but I had to know.

"A few on our side. There were more deaths on the enemy's side however," Bernard explained. I couldn't help but notice how he looked somewhat nervous.

He also didn't give me any definite numbers... that little son of a bleep!

"That sounds great but can you please give me the statistics?" I asked politely.

For some odd reason, I always become sickly sweet whenever I was annoyed at someone.

"Umm... we are still unsure?" He answered. By now, I could tell that he was obviously hiding something from me.

"Tell me," I said as calmly as possible _ I didn't want to scare the poor guy off.... yet...

When I saw that Bernard wouldn't say anything, I looked at him with a slight frown on my face.

"As your future queen... I order you to tell me everything you know," I visibly winced.

I hated using my status to get whatever I wanted however desperate times call for desperate measures.

"We have about 100,000 total deaths on our side. Some civilians but the majority are from our soldiers. We are being pushed back a considerable amount and the royals are unsure of how long we can survive for," Bernard admitted, looking at me guiltily.

I knew it.

Those bleeping bi-  no! I will not swear. I refuse to swear. Deep breaths. Deeeep breaths... I thought, clenching my fists tightly, repressing the magic that wanted to escape.

Seen as I was much powerful, I had a hard time controlling my powers. So, whenever I was even a tiny bit angry, I would take long deep breaths to repress my powers just in case it got out of control.

"Thank you, Bernard," I said, surprisingly calmly before looking over at Jamie, "Get the other royals to the dining room _ tell them it's an emergency."

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