Chapter 37

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A week later and Jamie showed no clear signs of recovery however me, being the best girlfriend ever, stuck by his side most of the time.

Obviously, I had to leave to go to the toilet and to change clothes but other than that, I was practically glued to Jamie's side.

I'd even send some maids to the kitchen to bring me food and water so I wouldn't have to leave Jamie.

As for my mum and Mark, well, they've obviously been told where I was, however, seen as I was a stubborn bleeper and wouldn't leave Jamie's side, neither of them were allowed to come and visit me as any noise could potentially disturb Jamie.

As I relaxed on the hospital bed, I sighed, staring at Jamie thoughtfully: to be honest, spending so long alone gave me a chance to think.

Of course, that is never a good thing when it comes to me.

I have killed a man. I was technically a murderer, a monster.

Every few seconds, I'd get flashbacks of what happened however each time I seem to picture the horrified face of a man facing his death. The face of someone who was literally terrified of me _ not because of my crazy threats or stupid ideas but because I was actually dangerous.

I could be a killing machine.

Each and every time that I'd picture myself killing Arthur, it got more and more twisted and messed up that I started fearing myself.

If I was able to easily kill a fellow person (as in end their life) what type of person does that make me?

How on Earth am I supposed to feel normal again after what I just did?

There were some nights in which I cried for hours on end, hating myself for being so cruel. Then there were nights where I'd just stare at the wall blankly, without a single ounce of emotion before immediately feeling guilty again.

Eventually, I kinda just gave up on myself. I gave up on the fact that Jamie would ever wake up again. I gave up on the fact that I'd ever be a good enough person to face the rest of my kingdom.

Bleeping hell, I've even given up on me having any bright future after the crime I had just committed.

All of these thoughts and emotions swirled in my head vigorously, wearing me down until I finally couldn't take the guilt anymore and went to sleep.

Sophie's POV:

Despite the fact that my brother was in a coma and all, I was actually a lot more worried about Lisa than Jamie himself.

I mean, she was my best friend so I obviously sensed something was wrong the moment she walked out of the infirmary to go for a shower with that blank look on her face.

I wasn't even the only one who noticed this. Even Jack and Grayson (who barely knew Lisa at all) felt worried about her, asking me whether she was ok or not.

Each time I simply shrugged my shoulders; I've never actually got the chance to pull Lisa aside and ask her how she was doing.

Literally no one was allowed in that room besides Lisa. Not even Emma _ who Jack decided to collect from the underground bunker with Beth _ was even allowed to go in there.

Then again, I don't think Lisa even knows we brought her here.

To be honest, I was pretty sure that the moment Lisa realises that Emma was with us, she'd immediately let us all in.

One faithful day, however, we were finally able to enter that forsaken room.

I was sitting in the waiting room, with Charles by my side, staring at the floor whilst bouncing my knee up and down nervously.

Maxine and Ash were both sat together in the corner, with Emma on Max's lap, whilst chatting in hushed voices. Martin and Beth were sitting nearby sleeping on the chairs, snoring softly.

As for Jack and Grayson, well they were basically our only source of life, going back and forth getting us all food and a whole lot of coffee.

You could probably fill 10 whole swimming pools with the amount of coffee we consumed for that whole week!

Anyway, after we stocked up on our daily dose of caffeine, we simply sat there and waited.

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...


Sorry, just checking to see in you were awake.

Anyway, for hours on end, we sat there in that damned waiting room praying for Jamie to actually wake up from his 109-year slumber.

Suddenly, a healer practically stumbled into the room with a look of relief on her face, "The prince is awake. I think his sister should go in first. Maximum of two people at a time."

I sprang up from my seat and ran as quickly as my legs could carry me straight into the room Jamie was in.

I practically cannoned into Jamie's arms, hugging him tightly and causing him to groan loudly in pain _ ok so maybe squeezing the hell out of a patient wasn't the best thing to do.

"YOU-" I began to yell however stopped mid-sentence when I saw Lisa fast asleep in the hospital bed right next to Jamie's.

My brother looked at Lisa worriedly before asking, "Is she ok?"

I looked my brother straight in the eye before sighing, "I don't really know... she's been pretty distant lately."

Jamie nodded, returning his gaze back to Lisa before smirking, "She stayed here the whole time, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied, smiling, "That girl can be more stubborn than me sometimes."

"And that's saying something," Jamie replied teasingly, causing me to glare at him playfully.

"I hate you," I grumbled angrily.

"Love you too, Soph," Jamie grinned at me childishly, looking like a four-year-old on their birthday.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at his playfulness, my shoulders sagging in relief _ I had my brother back.

Suddenly, from Lisa's bed, we saw her begin to twist and turn as she took multiple deep breaths in and out, when she turned to face us, we saw sweat trickling down her forehead and before we knew it, she let out the most horrifying scream I had ever heard.

What the hell was going on?

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