Chapter 10

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"Who knew Ocianians were so... friendly?" I muttered in awe.

From the moment we entered the village, many strangers greeted us _ most without even knowing who Jamie and Sophie were!

For a second, I found it odd that the villagers didn't even know who their future king was however immediately realised that Jamie was cooped up for most of his childhood, being brutally trained by the Ocianian captain of the guard.

"They're some of the nicest people you will ever meet," Sophie agreed, smiling proudly at her kingdom.

"More like most annoying," Jamie grumbled, "I swear if someone gives me that smile one more time I'll-"

"I think we've found the place," Grayson interrupted pointing at a large building with a stable next to it.

"HORSES!" Sophie squealed excitedly, rushing into the stables before anyone could say anything.

"Sophie, wait up!" Charles called out, running after her.

I noticed how Jamie clenched his fist slightly _ guess his overprotective big brother mode was turned on.

"Chill out. It's not as if they're planning to make babies in there," I muttered before smiling in amusement once Jamie started glaring daggers at Charles.

"You two can head over to the shops and get us supplies _ don't worry we'll get you a horse," I then turned to Maxine and Ash, knowing it was better to save time doing this.

"Go it, your majesty," Maxine said as Ash saluted dramatically before the duo disappeared in the midst of the large crowd.

I then pushed Jamie forwards a bit to the building next door to the stables where everyone else (except for Sophie and Charles) was waiting.

When we entered the building, I wrinkled my nose _ it smelt disgusting!

Looking to my right, I could see that the building was connected to the stables which explained why the place smelled of poop.

"Don't you have anywhere to dump that poop?" Grayson asked, covering his nose with his hand.

"Don't ask me, haven't been here in years!" Jamie replied.

We were inside what seemed to be a Celestian version of a pub with high stools by the counter and many dining tables with chairs around them dotted all over the place.

Only difference is that it didn't reek of alcohol. It also wasn't filled with high drunkards trying to wash all their troubles away with vodka.

So, it was better. Much better.

"Excuse me," Jack began, facing the man at the counter, "We'd like to rent a few horses."

"How many, Sir?" The worker asked with a bored expression on his face as he began wiping the counter with an old, worn out cloth.

"Umm... about eight..." Jack replied awkwardly.

"We only have five available," The worker then stated. I noticed how he looked quite surprised at how many horses we were asking for.

"We'll rent them," Jamie said before taking out his wallet and handing the man a stack of cash, "For you to remain silent. If anyone asks where the horses went, just say it was a busy day _ don't mention any of us, you hear me?"

The worker gulped loudly at the almost feral look in Jamie's eyes, causing me to sigh loudly and slap Jamie behind the head.

"Let's go," I then gestured for us to head to the stables to get a horse.

By the time we made our way inside, we already saw Charles on a horse's back with Sophie nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, Sophie shifted into a horse _ forgot she could do that," I mumbled, staring thoughtfully at the duo.

"She can what?" Both Grayson and Jack asked at the same time.

"The Ocianian twins have a set of three powers each _ shapeshifting, telepathy and water manipulation. Would've been the most powerful Celestians if it weren't for me," I explained with a hint of pride in my voice.

Jack mumbled a few things in awe whilst Grayson looked thoroughly impressed.

"How strong can one Celestiam be?" I heard him sat quietly under his breath.

I then looked at all the different horses before closing my eyes and spinning in a circle, with one arm stretched out.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes to find myself pointing at a beautiful brown horse.

"That's how you choose a horse?" Jamie asked amusedly before walking around and inspecting the other four horses _ I wasn't quite sure what he was looking for but after a moment, his gaze landed on a large white and black horse.

So he was looking for a horse that could hold a giant like him.

After a few seconds, everyone picked out a horse and saddled them up including the one that Ash and Maxine would be sharing once they get back.

"Charles, when Sophie gets tired, tag along with me and Soph can ride with Lisa ok?" Charles nodded.

"Of course, dear brother. I was totally about to kill myself if you didn't say anything," Sophie said, her voice oozing with sarcasm.

I noticed how she was still in her horse form _ so Sophie can still talk in her animal form.

After a few minutes of waiting, Maxine and Ash came into the stables with bags filled with important supplies.

Once we put all the stuff in the saddle bags, we were finally ready to set off.

"Gimme the map," I demanded, causing Jamie to roll his eyes and pull out a small scroll from his saddle bag before passing it to me.

I rolled it out and stared at the map for a few seconds before saying, "We should be heading ... that way," I pointed my arm in a random direction, hoping I was right.

You see, I can't exactly read maps...

Oh well _ at least my educated guesses are accurate enough.

"Actually, we're heading south," Jamie said, pointing in the opposite direction to where I was pointing to.

"Oh..." I trailed off awkwardly, "Then maybe you should keep the map."

Jamie took the scroll from me with a small smirk on his face, causing me to huff angrily at his smugness.

We then set off in the direction that Jamie pointed to ; we were to go just behind the stables which, conveniently enough, leads right into a forest.

Once I got far enough away from the village, I urged my horse to move faster, keeping up with Jamie's horse which was in the lead.

Jamie simply glanced my way before his horse galloped ahead, maintaining his position in the lead.

Bring it on bleeper.

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