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Jamie's POV:

It was Lisa's birthday.

Obviously, the idiot completely forgot about that fact however, I really couldn't blame her after all the stress she's been through.

Now, me, being the greatest boyfriend ever, obviously decided to plan something special for her in my crutches might I add.

Yeah, that idiot was totally gonna have to make it up to me after that torture!

It literally took me like 20 minutes to go back and forth between the ballroom (where her party's being held) and the royal's wing so Lisa wouldn't suspect anything.

Thankfully, however, Lisa seemed to be a little... out of it these last few days. I mean, she'd spend half of her time staring into space randomly and the other half yawning like a million times!

To be honest, I was seriously tempted to carry out the whole sleeping pill threat I put in those notes.

Anyway, as I hobbled along, with Sophie by my side, I stared at all the decorations carefully _ I made sure that there wasn't a single yellow or pink banner out there as well as ensuring that the whole room was basically filled with all of Lisa's favourite foods.

To be honest, it wasn't that hard to come up with the theme; Lisa (as well as every other woman I know) was literally addicted to food.

Of course, that was mainly the only reason for Lisa to ever even consider going to any sort of party at all.

As well as that, I had a bunch of helium balloons dotted around everywhere for us all to be able to sing happy birthday in squeaky voices.

In addition to that, I had everyone pile their presents in the corner in large boxes; according to her, it makes presents look fancier if they were put in wrapped boxes _ it was another one of her weird obsessions.

"Jamie," Sophie suddenly snapped, causing me to blink repeatedly before looking at her.

"Yeah?" I asked before quickly turning my gaze towards the decoration once more.

"Stop doing that! Geez, Lisa will literally love anything you give to her!" Sophie yelled, causing my face to begin heating up as I started sweating.

"Can you blame me? She will literally murder me if I mess this up!" I then replied, suddenly panicking once more.

"Idiot..." Sophie grumbled before heading out of the ballroom and going back to the royal's wing to keep Lisa distracted.

As I turned back to my inspection, I nervously sighed. Due to the fact that I wasn't exactly able to move around that much, I had to compromise with what I was going to give Lisa.

It wasn't as if it was that bad, however, I just felt like I needed to do more to show how much I cared for her.

Once I finally realised that nothing was completely ruined, I decided to head to my room and get changed.

Now, as much as I'd love to make the party more fancy and formal, I knew Lisa would appreciate it more if I just kept it as a casual party with friends.

After a long struggle of putting my clothes on, I grabbed my crutches and made my way to pick Lisa up.

Lisa thought that I was just going to take her out on a date.

Hopefully, she doesn't suspect anything.

Lisa's POV:

Something wasn't right.

I mean, every single one of my friends kept on coming in and out of the royal's wing. 

Not only that but Jamie even asked me out the moment we got here! I mean, for bleep's sake, the idiot was still using crutches!

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