what happens in Vegas... *smut*

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timeline: alternate universe

summary: Shane, Joey, and a group of friends go on a road trip to Vegas as a celebration for graduating high school, things get a little heated. ( no one is dating in this one shot) 

Joeys pov: me, Daniel, Ryland, Trish, Drew, Morgan, Ricky and Shane, all were approaching the "welcome to Vegas" sign.  fake IDs in hand, we were gonna have fun tonight. We pulled up to our hotel and waked inside, we were lead t room 504 and opened the door.

Joey: Shane! you got us a suite?!

Shane: yea, I though it would be fun.

Trish: yes this is awesome!

The suite had a room with a couch and a kitchen and then there were four doors on the left.

Joey: what are the doors for?

Shane: the bedrooms of course. But there are only four beds so we all have to share with someone.

Ryland and Morgan went into a room together, considering they were siblings, Trish and Drew went together, and Daniel and Ricky did. That left Shane and I to share the fourth room. It will be fine... I mean we are just sharing a bed.

Shane: okay, well, Joey? You go ahead I'm gonna go ask about some clubs nearby. 

I nodded and walked into our room. It had a beautiful queen sized bed and a window and a couple of chairs. How on earth did he afford this? An hour later, we all decided to go down the street to a bar/ Club. 

Daniel: I can't believe they believed we were 21.

Joey: I know right?

We all had a few drinks and were getting kind of tipsy. I walked up to Shane and wrapped my arm around his neck. Trying my best to be sexy, I danced against him. He was not as drunk as me. The alcohol took a toll on my body and I felt the need to get close to Shane. 

Joey: Ive never told you this, but since w-were both not sssoberr I think I can tell you.

Shane: whaatt

Joey: you are reallyyy fucckkkinggg hot. 

Shane smiled and I leaned in and nibbled his ear. 

Shane: why don't I take you back to the hotel. 

Joey: noooo! I wanna stayyy...

Shane: ill just leave then.

Joey: nooo

Shane: then come. 

I gave in and followed him outside, no one noticed. We walked back to the hotel, somehow we drunkily made it back to our room. Shane pulled me into the room and closed the door, sitting me on the couch. 

Shane: You need to rest.

He started to walk away but I stood up and grabbed his arm, pulling him close to me. 

Joey: or... we could do something. 

Shane: what would that be? 

I leaned in and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt, feeling his chest hair.

Joey: something...fun.

 I whispered and kissed his lips, he smiled into the kiss and I pulled him into our room and I closed the door with my foot. He pinned me to the wall as we kissed and I lifted myself up so I had my legs around him. 

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