First time *cute smut*

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timeline: Shane and Joey are juniors in high school. 

summary: The junior class takes a trip too Washington DC for spring break and get assigned roommates at the hotel... * this takes bit to get in to but I swear it is worth it* 

Joeys pov: We got off the bus at the hotel and Mr. Michaels, my history teacher started to explain what was happening. I looked around, I thought way more juniors signed up for DC... there are only like 40 of us. 

Mr. Michaels: Okay, class! I know you are all excited to be here in DC and you have been waiting since September, so hold on a little bit longer until the fun starts. 

I rolled my eyes, I don't want a lecture right now, I just want to find out who my roommate is and go to sleep. I glanced at Megan, I wanted to be with her, but no guys are allowed with girls. Thats a stupid rule though because I'm gay. Oh well, maybe with Luke? We aren't super close but we're friends. Whatever. I just want to sleep. 

Mr. Michaels: Okay, guys, you are first. Luke and Daniel, Sawyer and Jack, Joe and Connor, Ryland and Garrett...

He continued down the list, which come to find out was not alphabetical, it was completely random. God damn it Mr. Michaels why can't we just choose? 

Mr. Michaels: Okay and last, Shane and Joey! okay head to your rooms, I have the keys, and ill see you in the morning for the Washington monument. 

He started to read off the girls names and all the guys got our keys and spread out, I didn't even see Shane. Once I got to my room, Shane walked around from the other side, waving goodbye to Sawyer. 

Shane: hey.

Joey: h-hey.

I almost forgot how hot he is. As stereotypical as it sounds, he is a football player that is crazy gorgeous and extremely popular. The plot twist is, he is actually not a douche bag and is pretty smart. 

Shane: Honestly, you were the last person I imagined I would get paired with. 

Joey: what is that supposed to mean?

We opened the door and walked in. We both started to get our stuff inits places. 

Shane: what I mean is Mr. Michaels hates my ass and I expected him to put me with someone super obnoxious or someone who was super smart and would annoy me. 

Joey: what makes you think I won't annoy you?

I raised my eyebrow. 

Shane: I don't know that many hot people that are annoying. 

He winked at me and then walked to the bathroom. I just starred at where he walked to in shock. Did he just call me hot? He walked back out, without a shirt on and with sweatpants on. I gulped.

Shane: so, you tired?

Joey: uh... no. 

I was but I needed an excuse to keep talking to Shane. 

Shane: me neither. Wanna talk?

I nodded and I went to change into sweatpants and a t shirt. We talked for a while about school, and teachers, and celebrities. He finally asked me...

Shane: Do you have a girlfriend? 

Joey: heh... no.

Shane: really? you should. you are super hot, I bet I could find a bunch of girls to date you.

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