Saved *fluffy*

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wardning: this contains descriptions of assault and abuse. This may be unsettling to read. 

Joeys pov: I was sitting in my room, waiting for Daniel to get home. He had been gone all day and I don't like going to bed without knowing that he's okay... he gets mad about it as well. I was on my phone with headphones in so I didn't even hear him come in. Suddenly I felt lips on mine. 

Joey: oh, hey. 

Daniel: hey. 

He grabbed my shoulders and pinned me down and kissed me again. I kissed back. 

Joey: what are you doing? I'm glad you're back.

He ignored me and kissed me harder. I lightly kissed back.

Joey: Daniel... im not in the mood. 

Daniel: of course you are.

He moved his hands down and pulled off my pants. I started to try and push him off of me. 

Joey: no, Daniel. I really don't want to. 

Daniel: stop teasing. yes you do. 

My breathing increased as I got more nervous. 

Joey: please. 

he pulled off my shirt and then unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. I started to tear up and tried to get him off of me. He kissed my neck. 

Joey: stop!

He pulled at my underwear and started to touch me down there. I bit my lip and tried not to cry. 

Joey: no! stop it! I don't want to! 

Daniel: shut up and stop teasing me. 

I groaned and pushed at his shoulders and cried. 

Joey: help! 

I knew no one else was here but I was scared. 

Joey: Daniel! please!

Shanes pov: I was driving down the road on my way home when I saw something on the side of the road. Storm. Joeys dog. What the hell? how'd he get out? I pulled over and walked over to the dog. 

Shane: hey, bud. why aren't you home. 

He looked up at me and I smiled. 

Shane: ill take you home. 

I picked him up and put him into my car. 

Shane: don't worry. you'll be home soon. 

I drove to Joey's house and parked out front. Storm jumped out of the car and I grabbed his collar to walk him to the house. 

Shane: Joey and Daniel are probably so worried. 

I knocked on the door and waited. nothing. I knocked again, nothing. Thats weird, their cars are here. I knocked louder. 

Shane: Joey?!

Joeys pov: Daniel kissed my neck and pushed up my legs then pulled off his shirt. I was crying for him to get off. I heard a knock at our front door. 

???: Joey?!

I heard at the door. Shane! oh my god! why is he here?

Joey: Shane! hel-

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