Break in *smut*

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Joeys pov: I had the night shift at the local cafe that I worked at for the evening. Not fun at all. Since the staff is so small I am the only one here and all I can do is sit in the back and listen to the  music on my headphones and read the shitty magazines for customers. The night shift seems so dumb to me because we are closed at night, but the owners are paranoid and I almost always get this shift on the weekends. ugh, not like I have anything better to do. The small building gets more scary as it gets later, the lights are supposed to be off except for the small one above the stoves. I sit in the back where I still have a clear view of the front but can't be seen if for some reason someone came in. 

my eyes got heavy and I drop the magazine, dozing off...

*click* I hear the door, hours later, and I slowly wake up. My vision a bit blurry. I blink and see someone walk in through the front door and carefully close it behind them, holy shit, no no no. 

???: ah fuck.

The man struggled to get the cash register open. Oh my god what do I do??? I take a deep breath, grab my flashlight and gather up all the courage I can muster. 

Joey: Hey!!

I yell, pointing the light at the tall man, who jumps. He is wearing a black hoodie and jeans, his hood is up and his face covered up to his nose. I only see two dreamy blue eyes...

Joey: what the hell do you think you are doing? 

???: hey, calm down...

Joey: You need to leave or I am calling the police. 

???: no need for that.... Joey?

He glanced down at my name tag and I nod. He uncovers his face, smiling. His eyes are so pretty and his jawline is so defined... I bite my lip and look at his eyes, he nods and then stretches out his hand. 

???: I'm Shane. 

I cautiously look down at his hand and then decide not to shake it. 

Shane: alright then. 

Joey: I-I have to call the cops... 

Shane: why would you do that to me, baby? 

I raise an eyebrow and he walks one step closer to me and I back one step away. 

Shane: scared?

I shake my head, I can't be a pussy right now.

Shane: hmm, you seem to be.

He grabs my flashlight and sets it on the counter. 

Shane: what do I need to do to convince you to not call the cops? 

I gulp and back up. He follows me until I am backed up against the counter and my hands are grabbing at the edge of it. 

Joey: uh...uhm... j-just leave.

I chuckles and shakes his head. I bite my lip but try to convince myself that this crook isn't sexy. 

Shane: but baby, don't you want me to stay? 

I just stare at him and he grabs my hands.

Shane: The night shift must really suck, huh? 

I just nod, baffled. He chuckles again and touches my chest. I look up at him, confused. 

Shane: heh, you are such a cutie,  you know that? 

I just keep starring. Before I know it, he grabs my chin and kisses me. My eyes stay open at first but then I found myself closing them and leaning in to kiss him back. 

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