The Messed Up Party: Part 1

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Jessy's outfit ^^

I always find myself thinking about that kiss, like who the stranger was? Or what happened to my purse since no one returned it? Or was the person who kissed me a stranger or not? I always find myself asking new questions day by day.

"Heellooo!!! Aleexxxx??" Jessy said. Now Jessy is older than me in one year but we have common classes.

"What do you want??" I annoyingly replied since she disturbed my thoughts.

"You zoned off and you are not concentrating, is there something on your mind?"

"Nahh I'm fine just thinking"

"Well, Mr. James just asked you a question you might want to think of that" she said sarcastically.

"Miss Avery, can you answer my question?" Mr. James my math teacher asked.

"Can you repeat your question, sir?" I said politely.

"No, I can't next time try to concentrate you need higher grades in math." Mr. James said disappointedly.

"Umm, okkk" I said.

"What the hell is wrong with him" Jessy whispered yelled.

"I don't know but what I do know is that he hates my guts." I said.

Back home


"What the hell Derek I'm right beside why do you keep on yelling."



"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" My mother yelled.

"Seriously" I said annoyed by my mother's response.

"Anyway can you not come to the party?"

"I don't want to go, but I have to since I promised Jessy."

"Ahhhh just try not to embarrass me please"

"Well if there is anyone embarrassing you, it is you"

"That just made zero sense"

"Shut up!!"

My phone rang and Jessy's name popped up,

"Where the hell are you? I've been waiting for 5 minutes in front of your house" Jessy said while screaming.

"Shitt I didn't notice the time, I'm gonna change real quick see you in 5"

After I changed real quick, I ran downstairs and then to Jessy's car.

After I changed real quick, I ran downstairs and then to Jessy's car

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My party outfit^^^

"Thank godddd what took you so long" Jessy said.

"Just start the car already"

After 20 minutes, we arrived at Jake's house, Jake is known for his epic house parties. Every year he holds a party at his place and the whole school is invited.

We knocked on the door and immediately the drunk Jake opened the door and said, "Ladiesss, wellcommee!!! Zeee partttayyy izzz insidee"

He looked like he was about to faint, I looked at Jessy and we both sighed and rolled our eyes.

When we entered the party I saw my brother Derek making out with a blonde stranger that turned out to be Blair and let me tell you something seeing your brother make out with your enemy or anyone is D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G.

"Eeewwww!!" I disgustingly said.

"What??!!!" Jessy said.

I pointed at my brother's direction, and that's when I saw Jessy's face expression changing, was she sad? disappointed? I was confused.

"Jessy what is it??" I asked her

"Nothing I'm fine, I'm just going to the bathroom." She said trying to force a smile.

"I'm coming with you" I stated.

"No it's fine I'll go by myself."

"I'm coming with you and that's final."

When we arrived at the bathroom, Jessy immediately started crying and I couldn't but feel responsible for my brother's actions but I couldn't help but ask her:

"Jessy, do you like my brother?"

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter, don't forget to vote by pressing the star.

Stay strong.
-Just a normal gurll

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