Finding Out

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Colors ~ Halsey

The room hasn't changed a bit it still had the same furniture. I tried looking for the light switch since it was dark, and so that I could look for Blair's phone.

But then I heard someone calling me, "Alex?" and the lights were still off.

I turned around, my heart started beating faster than usual as I remembered what happened the last time I was alone with a stranger in that room, this isn't going to happen again. I won't let it happen again.

"Alex?" The stranger repeated my name.

"Get back." I said as I started moving backward.

"Alex, it's me Andrew."

"Ohh." I said as I mentally facepalmed myself and calmed down after hearing his name.

"The power went off, I just thought of looking for you." He said as I felt him getting closer to me.

"Well, you found me." I said as my heart started beating faster when his hands held my waist tightly.

"Alex, I want to ask you something." Andrew said as he started fanning my neck with his breath.

"Yeah." I managed to say as I tried looking for his eyes in the darkness.

"Can I kiss you?" Andrew whispered in my ear, which made me gulp.

"Emmhmm." I moaned in a low voice for approval.

The second I answered his question, his lips fell on mine. He kissed me lustfully, and I was enjoying it until I recognized those cold lips in that mysterious dark night.

It was him.

He stole my first kiss.

A tear dropped from my eyes and I pushed him away. So he asked, "is everything alright?"

"I- I-" I couldn't form a complete sentence, I ran out of the room and kept on running. I heard Jessy calling my name, but I didn't stop. I kept on running and running and the heals didn't help.

I finally reached the sidewalk that was in-front of Blair's house and I started running for what seemed like hours. But then I heard a car honk behind me, so I turned to see Jessy and Rebecca in the car.

Jessy stopped the car and ran to me.

"What the hell happened??" She said.

"It, It wa- was him." I finally said as I continued crying heavily.

"Who was who?" Jessy said as she looked at me with pity.

"A- Andrew, he- he is the one who stole my first k- k, kiss."

"Oh my god," Jessy said as she hugged me "Are you sure?" She then added as I nodded and continued crying, then Rebecca came out of the car and we group hugged.

"I want to go home." I said, so Jessy held me by my shoulders and walked me to her car.

When we reached my place, I changed into pajamas then I told Jessy to call my brother and tell him that we came back home.

I heard Jessy talking on the phone "Derek, we went back home. Just thought of telling you." She said as she hung up not waiting for his response.

"A little harsh, No?" Rebecca told Jessy as the latter shrugged.

Jessy and Rebecca sat near me and we cuddle together in my room's balcony with my blanket. It was chilly which made it even better.

Rebecca told me what happened between her and Matt and Jessy told me what happened between her and Derek, then I told Rebecca about everything that happened that night, which ended up with us eating ice cream.

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