Boring but Fun

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Wednesday Morning

"ALEXXXX GET UPPP!!!" My mother yelled, well there goes the alarm. Reminds me of a song.

"I'M UP!!!!" I yelled back.

I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower then changed into the outfit above. I wanted to mix it up a bit so I wore the cheerleading jacket that we got when we first started cheerleading, I chose number 24 so it could be the same as Andrew's Jersey. Andrew and I became closer than ever these past days.

I decided to let my black curly hair down, then I applied nude lipstick and a small amount of mascara.

Finally, I'm ready!!

"Morning!!!" I cheerfully said as I kissed both my mother and brother on the cheek.

"I'm just going to take an apple, waiting for you in the car." I said as I looked at Derek who gave me a brief nod. I took an apple from the fridge and headed to Derek's car.

After 20 minutes, we finally reached school.

"See ya." I told Derek.



"Are you and Andrew together?"


"Do you like him?"

"Why are you asking me such questions?"

"Well, I just wanted to say that if you two get into any relationship, I approve." Derek said which made me smile.

"Thank you thank you thank you."I said as I hugged Derek, "Although we aren't dating."

"Yeah I know but you will." Derek said.

"And it's only fair to tell you that I approve of you and Jessy."

"Yeah, that can never happen."


"She made it clear for me last night. It's okay though, I'm fine."

"Okay as you wish, see ya bro." I said as I walked out of Derek's car.

"Alex, Hii!! You look hot." Rebecca said.

"Thanks babe you don't look bad yourself."

"So what do you have the first period?"

"Chemistry, you?"

"English.... I'll see you babe gotta go get my stuff."

"Yeah sure see ya." I said as I started walking to my locker, I can feel guys checking me out and girls gossip.

"Isn't that Andrew's number on her jacket?" One girl said.

"I heard that they're dating" another said, wish that's true.

"What a bitch how can she come to school dressed like that?" Another one said who turned out to be wearing a skirt that shows off her butt cheeks talk about bitches, huh?

When I finally got to my locker the bell rang, I hurried to get my stuff so I won't be late for my chemistry class.

I got the books needed and walked to my class, "Sorry I'm late." I said as I knocked on the door and entered the classroom.

"No problem take a seat, Miss Avery." My teacher said.

I sat in the only place left which was in the first row. Typical teens.

"Move it." I heard Andrew tell the kid who was sitting near me.

The kid immediately scurried out of his way, and Andrew sat beside me.

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