Another Date

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Start Again ~ OneRepublic

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I woke up the next day in Rebecca's room.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, yesterday was amazing. But I knew it was a one-time thing for him. So I made sure of ignoring him today at school.

"Rebecca, Jessyyy WAKKEE UPPP!!!" I yelled as I went out of the bathroom.

Rebecca fell on the floor, while Jessy sprung out of the bed.

"Your voice is too high!!" Rebecca exclaimed as she placed her hands on the side of her bed and pulled herself up.

"I hate you." Jessy said as she entered the bathroom.

"Ohh come on but I love you." I joked as I looked at Rebecca who was glaring at me.

"Whattt???" I said.

"Nothing absolutely nothing." Rebecca said as she walked into her walk-through closet.

"Can I borrow an outfit from you since I don't have extra cloth and I don't want to wear yesterdays outfit." I said.

Rebecca grabbed a pillow and threw it on my face.

"What's wrong with you???" I said as I picked up the pillow.

"Are you seriously FUCKING ASKING ME IF YOU CAN BORROW AN OUTFIT FROM ME." Rebecca said as she raised her voice while saying the last part of her sentence.

"Sorry?" I said which seemed more of a question.

"Ok now I'm going to pick your outfits!!!" Rebecca said.

Outfit above ^^

"You have great taste!!!" Jessy said as she finished changing.

"Uhh duhhh!!!" Rebecca said as she finished applying nude lipstick on her plump lips. While I applied red lipstick which matches my blouse and Jessy applied a darker shade of red.

"I'm ready, let's go." Jessy said as we took our bags and went downstairs only to smell an amazing aroma of different kinds of food.

"I'm hungry!!!" I said.

"Same let's eat before we leave." Rebecca said as Jessy and I nodded.

When we finished eating, Rebecca's sister dropped us at school.

"Thanks sis, see ya!!" Rebecca told her sister as she drove off.

We entered our first period which was Math, the class was so boring but it finally ended in peace with no fights, like last time.

The bell rang then Jessy said, "Let's get to the second class." I have art for the second period while Jessy and Rebecca have chemistry.

The girls dropped me in my class as they left for theirs. Great Andrew is here early.

I sat near my assigned easel, I placed my bag on the ground and fixed my utensils needed for the class.

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