Derek's POV

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Ever Enough ~ A Rocket To The Moon

Derek's Pov

I looked at Jessy through the rear-view mirror in my car and I couldn't help not punching myself for hurting her. She looked so innocent, with her green eyes directed to the car floor and one of her hands rubbing her arm. "Are you cold?" I asked her as I turned my face and looked at her.

She looked up to meet my eyes and said, "no I'm fine" then she looked at her window.

I took off my leather jacket and gave it to her, she looked at me and said, "I said I'm fine."

"Do I look like I'm stupid?" I asked her as I handed her the jacket that she immediately took and wore.

"Thank you" she said.

"No prob," I said then I added, "I don't bite."

She looked at me with her green eyes and said, "you most certainly do."

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." I said.

"Really? You were about to rip my hand off." She said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean to." I said as I raised my voice, which made her tremble, "I'm sorry" I said as I felt that she was scared of me.

"Stop saying you're sorry, just stop" she said as she started getting annoyed.


"Don't talk to me Derek, for the sake of my friendship with your sister don't make me hate you." She said as she looked at her window again.

"Sure." I said as her words broke my nonexistent heart.

In the meantime

Alexandra's Pov

"Thank god, you have my phone. I've been looking for it everywhere." I said.

"Well not everywhere" he joked, as he handed my phone.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem, sugar." he said. As, I, Fucking, Melted.

My cheeks turned red as I looked at his eyes one last time then I turned around.

"Alex," Andrew said

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"You look hot tonight." He said.

"You don't look bad yourself, Posey." I said as I left him in the middle of Jake's house and went to my brother's car, I was proud of myself that I didn't stutter or say something stupid.

Derek's Pov

The whole car ride was silent, which felt awkward. As we reached Jessy's house, Jessy bent over and kissed Alex goodbye, and I couldn't but look I am a guy, after all, it's in my genes.

But I looked away immediately, not to look like a horny pervert. Then she turned to me and gave me a fainted smile and with her angelic voice she said, "Bye." as she was taking off my jacket, "No keep it, you'll give it back later on" I said.

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