Math Teacher Drama

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Bellyache ~ Billie Eilish

Finally, Monday came (note the sarcasm), and I had to go back to school. I couldn't face Andrew again after what he said and did. But I had to.

Outfit of the day above^^^

"Morning girls." I said as I saw them standing near my locker.

"Morning" they both said.

"Andrew came to my house yesterday." I said as I opened my locker to put my books inside.

"Whattt???" Rebecca squealed.

"What happeenedddd???" Jessy said.

"I told him everything and he thinks 'it's just a kiss'." I said.

"Is he fucking serious!!!" Jessy said.

"I'm going to fucking punch him." Rebecca said as she grits her teeth.

"Okkaayyy calm down!!" I told Rebecca as I closed my locker after taking my Math book and copybook.

"Let's go to class, shall we." I said as we started walking to class.

"See ya!!" I told Rebecca as Jessy and I entered the Math class.

We sat in the first row since we didn't want to talk to the boys. After 2 minutes the bell rang indicating that the class started. And my favorite teacher entered, still being sarcastic.

After 30 minutes Derek, Matt, and Andrew entered the class.

"You're late." Mr James said, as always.

"Noo wayyyy reallyyyy???" Matt joked, and the whole class chuckled including Jessy while I smiled.

"Matt Douglass, go sit down. I don't want to hear your voice." Mr James.

"Why not? The girls say I have a sexy voice." Matt said as he winked at a swooning brunette girl.

"Rebecca is going to kill him if she saw him." Jessy whispered to me as we both giggled. Speak of the devil Rebecca showed up.

We both gave a questioning look towards Rebecca, but she knocked on the door and said, "Excuse me are you Mr James?"

"Yes, who's asking." Mr James asked Rebecca.

"Your new student, Rebecca Johnson." Rebecca said as she stepped into the classroom.

"Take a seat Miss Johnson."

"Ohh and by the way, Mrs McAdams says good luck." Rebecca said as she gave him a fake smile which made him take a deep breath.

"Hey babe." Matt said as he winked, "shut it Douglass." Rebecca replied as she sat near me.

"Ohhh finally the crew is back!!" Jessy said as we all chuckled.

"What happened though?" I asked Rebecca.

"I'm going to give you the short version, Mrs McAdams my previous math teacher couldn't handle my presence in her class so she asked the principal to change my teacher." Rebecca said as we both laughed.

"Ladies!!!" Mr James said, "Sorry." We all said.

I felt someone burning holes in my back, so I nudged Jessy and asked her to check who's staring. Since I didn't want to have an embarrassing eye contact with that person.

"It's Andrew." Jessy told me as she turned back to me. "He looks pissed." She added.

"Let him be pissed." I said as I continued writing notes on my copybook.

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