Bad At Love

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Please read this message:

There is a mature scene in this chapter, so for the people who don't like to read such scenes, I'm going to tell you when to stop reading and when to continue.



"Andrew." I said as we stopped kissing each other.

"I can't." I added as I stood up and left the classroom. You know when you want someone so badly, but you can't have cause you know it'll hurt when it ends. That's me right now.

I guess I'm bad at relationships.

And defiantly a relationship with him makes it even worse.

I'm bad at love.

I know myself, I can't be in a relationship without hurting myself. I can't do this to myself again, and not with him.

I went to the bathroom so I could splash water on my face since tears flooded my eyes.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I murmured to myself as I fixed my cloth and left the bathroom to go to my next class.

At the end of the school day

"So I was thinking of having a girls night out." Rebecca said as we started walking to the gym room since we have practice today.

"Yeah, why not." I said as Jessy nodded her head in approval.

"But on Friday though, I can't really go out in the middle of the school week." Jessy said.

"Yeah sure." Rebecca said then she added, "Let's change before the witch comes."

Rebecca changed into a sports bra and yoga pants, while Jessy changed into a short and a sports bra. While I changed into shorts and a tank top.

"We look hot." Rebecca said as she looked at the mirror.

"Yuppp." Jessy said as we walked out of the locker room.

"Girls we are going to practice in the lacrosse felid today, so move it." Blair said, "Ohh and we have a new member too." Blair added as Maria entered.

"Welcome back!!!" Blair said as she hugged Maria.

"Hoe's minds think alike. That's why they are friends." Rebecca whispered to me.

"It's great minds think alike." Jessy said.

"They are definitely no great." Rebecca joked.

"Ohhh, Alex is a cheerleader. How lovely, we are sisters!!!" Maria said.

"In your dreams." Rebecca said as we walked out of the gym room and into the field.

"Shit the boys have practice too." Rebecca said as she tried to hide her face with her hair.

"He knows you're a cheerleader, he will see you." I said as Jessy and I laughed at Rebecca's cuteness.

"Shut it." Rebecca said as we started stretching out on the field. Matt was constantly looking at Rebecca while playing. While Derek was looking at Jessy, but then a ball hit his face and he started cursing.

"I'm sorry guys, I can't concentrate." Derek said as he threw his helmet on the ground.

"Derek come on dude." Matt yelled as Derek left the field.

"We can't play without Derek." Andrew said as my heart ached at his sexy voice.

"Did you see that? Derek couldn't concentrate because of me." Maria said as she started giggling. Then Rebecca started laughing at her, "she actually thought he was looking at her, that dumb bitch." Rebecca said.

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