Still hurting

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Derek's Pov

"I can't believe you actually did that move, bro.", Andrew said, "that was amazing!!!"

"Thanks, man, but I could've scored more if my knee wasn't injured," I said.

"But you assisted on the scored goals, but its all your fault, you practice way too much."

"I know, but I need that scholarship."

"Still, you have to loosen up a little bit, before the final match."

"I know dude, I know. I'll see you outside I have to check on my sister,k?" I said as I went out of the locker room.

"Hey, sis." I said as I walked up to her little group.

"Hey, you played pretty well, how's the knee?" She asked.

"What's wrong with your knee?" Jessy asked.

"Just a slight injury from practice, but I'm fine." I said.

"Oh okay, get well soon" Jessy said with a smile on her face.

"Thanks." I said, "I have to go check on the coach, then I'll pick you up so we could go." I told my sister as I switched my gaze from Jessy to her.

"Yeah, sure."

"Avery!" Someone yelled from behind me as my sis and I turned around to face the person, who turned out to be Andrew.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"This time, I'm talking to your sister." He said as he winked at my sister.

"Very funny!!" I said as I left my sis with her group of friends and Andrew.

Alexandra's Pov

"Hey." Andrew said as my brother walked away.

"Hi." I said.

"You guys were awesome." He said as he looked at the three of us.

"Thanks" Jessy said, "we have to go know I'm leaving with Rebecca, I'll talk to you later on enjoy!!!" She said

"But you never told-" Rebecca said as Jessy took her by her arm and winked at me before she left.

"So." He said.

"Soooo" I replied back as I bit my lips.

"What did I tell you about bitting your lips?" He said as his facial expression changed and looked at my lips.

"I-uhh" I stuttered like an idiot, so he touched my lips with his index finger and said, "next time you do that, I don't think I can control myself and not kiss you." He said, which made me gulp.

Then he looked deep into my eyes, with those blue eyes that make me want to unravel his mysterious side. We kept on looking at each other which felt like years until he left. HE JUST FUCKING LEFT, what the hell you can't just leave a girl in such an emotional state!!!!

Here I am talking to myself.

The next day

"My hips are still hurting from yesterday!!" Rebecca said.

"I know right, I can't move a muscle without being in pain." Jessy said.

"You guys are just exaggerating." I said as I took a bite of my apple.

"You know why I stopped going to the gym? Because I literally stay a whole month in pain because of my sore muscles." Jessy said as she put her head on the lunch table.

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