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"Hey girls." Alex said as she sat in our booth.

"Hey." Rebecca and I both said.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Alex asked us.

"Yeah Jess, what do you want to talk about?" Rebecca said as she stressed on the word 'you'.

"Derek and I fought. It's no big deal. We always fight." I said I didn't want to tell them that Derek hurt me not only physically but emotionally too. Alex is Derek's sister I don't want her to hate him, Derek needs her when he's angry.

"Ohh really? What about Jake?" Rebecca said, so I told them what happened with Jake and then Alex said, "Wait why didn't you go out with him?"

"Wrong place and the wrong time, I guess. If he asked me on another day I would've said yes."

"Ohh." Alex said.

"Okay guys I have to go back home." I said.

"You want me to drive you home??" Alex asked me.

"No, I'd like to walk. But thanks babe." I said.

"Ok sweetie, see ya." Alex said as I hugged both Rebecca and Alex then I started walking back home.

I started walking back home, my mind was clouded with memories of Derek and I. I took of my blue shirt since I started feeling hot. I carried the shirt on my arm and continued my walk home.

I wanted to forgive him so badly, but I couldn't not after what he did. As I got closer to my home I saw Derek's car near a cafe which was facing my house. I ignored the constant scene going through my mind and kept walking home.

When I reached my house's main door, I started looking for my keys. I pulled the keys out only to hear the person I strongly tried to ignore's voice, "I did that to you." he said since my back was facing him and the deep scratches he gave me could be seen.

I wore my shirt again and tried opening the door with my shaking hands.

"I'm talking to you." Derek said.

"And I'm ignoring you." I said as I finally got the door open.

I entered the house and turned around to close the door but before doing that I said, "Goodbye." which sounded more of an everlasting goodbye.

I shut the door close and went to my room to continue crying.

Alexandra's POV

I knew something was off with Jessy, and that the fight between her and Derek was different than the usual.

I hung out with Rebecca at the cafe for a while then we said our goodbyes and I called an Uber.

While waiting for the uber I texted my brother to check on him. He texted me back saying that he is fine and that he is on his way home.

The uber finally came and we made our way home.

"I'm home." I said as I entered my house.

"In here." I heard Derek's voice coming from the living room.

"What happened and you better not lie." I told Derek as I entered the living room.

"Not now I'm going out with the guys." Derek bluntly said as he turned the TV off and stood up to leave.

"But it's Tuesday." I innocently said.


"Nothing, who is going with you? And where are you going?"

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