The Goodbye

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Hurts So Good ~ Astrid S

"I am afraid." Derek told me as he looked on the ground.

"Afraid of what?" I asked him.

"I am afraid of hurting you after my father left... I couldn't keep my anger inside anymore. I always resort to violence to solve a problem, and I know it's wrong but I can't control it."

"I know that Derek, but I wish you could've told me that before. I would've helped you."

"I don't need help."

"Derek it's okay to ask for help. But Derek, I'm leaving."


Beep Beep, I heard my brothers car.

"You coming?" My brother called me from the car.

"When you told me goodbye the last time, you actually meant it."

"Yes, I'm sorry Derek. But I can't stay here anymore. Alex doesn't know, but I'll eventually tell her. So can you keep it between us?" I said as I looked at a stunned Derek.

"Yeah okay." Derek said as he walked past me to his motorbike.

"Was that Derek Avery?" My brother asked me as I entered his car.


"Damn, he grew up to become a fine man."

"Yeah, he did." I said as I laid my head on the window.

Alex's POV

"Where are you taking me?" I said.

"It's a surprise." Andrew said.

"Ohh come on." I said as I pouted.

"Damn you look so cute when you do that." I looked at him and smiled, "You look cute too."

"Ohh hell no, I look hot, sexy, whatever you want but not cute." Andrew said as I started laughing.

"Keep your eyes on the road." I said as I smiled at him.

"Yes mam." Andrew said as he continued driving.

After an hour, we finally reached a..... Forest??

"A forest?? That's the surprise?"

"Nope, that is." Andrew said as he turned his lighter on and lit something which turned out to be a candle. And after a second more than one candle was lit up and words started to form.

The candles read,

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

"Are you fucking serious!!" I said.

"What too soon?"

"Your an idiot. You dragged me all the way here to ask me this question."

"I prepared dinner too if that helps." Andrew said as he looked at me in a weird way.

I bit my lip and smiled at him.

"Does that mean something? Cause I'm about to crap my pants." Andrew said which made me laugh.

I started walking to where he was standing, I placed my hands on his neck and said, "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

"No fucking way, I have a girlfriend. Andrew Posey has a girlfriend." Andrew said as I laughed then kissed him.

He held me from my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his waist. We started kissing for a while, but then stopped to take a breath.

"We should probably eat, we could continue this later. Girlfriend." Andrew said as he smirked.

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