So Right

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Clarity ~ Zedd

Alexandra's POV

I went out of class with Jessy when the bell rang, we saw Rebecca talking to Matt. But then Matt left, so we went to talk to her.

"Soooo what happened???" Jessy asked Rebecca. But Rebecca didn't answer instead her gaze was stuck on one person only, who turned out to be Matt.

"Hellloooo!!!" I said as I snapped my fingers in front of Rebecca's face.

"I have to go to class I'll tell you later." Rebecca said as she looked at us and turned around to leave for her next class.

"Same here see ya." Jessy said as she left too.

I walked to my next class which was chemistry. As I entered the class I only saw one seat empty and that was next to Andrew who in the matter of fact was growling at me.

I took a deep breath and walked towards him, I placed my bag on the ground and sat down then I started getting ready for the class.

"Hello." My chemistry teacher said, then she added, "Today we are going to mix it up a bit."

I heard groans from some students which were quite normal, then my teacher said, "Now I'd like you to team up with the person sitting beside you." And guess what it's either I team up with the wall or Andrew. I choose the wall.

All of the class started moving around and sitting beside each other while Andrew and I remained seated in our place and didn't say a word to each other.

"Miss Avery may you sit near Mr Posey?" My teacher said as she noticed that we were the only ones not sitting near each other.

"Can I change partners?" I asked.

"It's only for today Miss Avery, now may you sit near him?" She told me as I stood up, grabbed my chair and book and sat near him.

Andrew didn't give a crap for this class or any class to be fair, but I do. So I had to work with him even if he didn't like it.

His legs were extended, while one of his arms was slung on his side and the other on the table holding a pen. He looked hot I can't lie, but what bothered me is that he wasn't even trying to look hot. He was doing nothing at all.

"Now, I'd like you guys to choose a new topic you find from your book and present it to the class. The grades will be for the group, not each individual, you have 20 minutes." My teacher said, so I opened my chemistry book and started looking for a topic to talk about, I choose the titration method but I still had to ask him about it.

"Is the titration method good enough?" I asked him as I looked up from my book and into his blue eyes.

"I don't care." He said so I muttered, "Figured."

"I'll write some notes for you so you could say them when we present." I told him as I tore a paper and started writing since I knew I can't rely on his memory.

"Don't bother I won't do anything."

"I wouldn't bother if this wasn't my grade too." I said as I continued writing.

When I finished writing what he needed to say which was only two lines since I knew that he was an irresponsible person, I slammed the paper on his desk. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, while I rolled mine.

I noticed that he didn't look at the paper since I slammed it on his desk, so I said, "Could you read it at least?"


"Andrew come on!!!"

"I'm not participating you could present by yourself." He said as he stood up and went out of the class. Drama queen.

"Mr Posey." My teacher yelled as she followed him out of the class.

"Now can I change my partner?" I asked her sarcastically as she entered the class.

She breathed heavily and sat on her desk.

I ended up presenting by myself and I got half the grade because my partner wasn't there. Asshole.

I went to the lunch room and started walking to my table but then someone tripped me and I fell flat on the ground.

"What the fuck!!!" I said as I stood up and saw Maria.

"Ohh I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Maria said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as my blood started to boil.

"I forgot to tell you yesterday, I'm getting enrolled in here again."

"How lovely." I said as I turned away and started walking out of the lunchroom.

"I didn't finish talking to you bitch."

"What did you just say?" I said as I turned around started walking towards her.


"Listen carefully, this is the last time you talk to me in that way. And if you ever try to disrespect me again I'll punch that stupid face of yours." I said as a crowd started forming around us.

"I'd like to see you try, whore." Maria said as I swung my fist at her face. She fell on the floor and started laughing like a fucking hypocrite. Then she stood up and dusted her skirt that showed half her ass.

"Ohh come on are you still pissed that Andrew only kissed you cause he thought you were Blair." Maria said as she started laughing again and I couldn't, not punch her again. But when I was about to punch Andrew pulled me away from her.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I yelled as I tried to get out of his hold but then he slung me over his shoulder and I started throwing punches on his back.

"ANDREW PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled but he kept on walking and entered an empty classroom. He finally put me down and I started pushing him.



"I COULD HAVE TOOK CARE OF HER!!" I said as he remained silent.

"Get out of my sight." I told him as I moved towards the door but he stood in front of it blocking my way out.

"Move" I said but he didn't reply, "ANDREW MOVE OR I'LL-"

"You'll what?" He finallyyy spokkee!!

"Get the fuck out of my way."

"You won't leave until you cool down."

"You are not my father." I said as I pushed him out of the way and held the knob to open the door. But Andrew had other plans he held me from my waist and sat me on a desk. My legs were open and he was standing between them, we were both panting and breathing the same air. We were too close to each other, his lips were just a few inches away if I could just taste them. I unconsciously bit my lip when I thought about his lips and he instantly kissed me.

The kiss was passionate and strong he held me from my waist and pushed me towards him, while my hands were pulling on his hair. We were a mess.
But I loved that mess, I knew it was wrong but at the same time kissing him again felt



Hellooo Amigossss, I'd appreciate it if you vote on my story!!!

Thank you for reading!!!

See ya next time!!!

Stay Strong.
-Just a normal gurll

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