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Tangled Up ~ Parade Of Lights

I decided to text Maria the next day since it was late.

Text Message

-Hi Maria, if you're free I'd like to meet up.

-Hi Alexandra never thought I'd see that day but yeah sure.

-Great, meet me at the coffee shop near my house after an hour.

-See ya.

End of Text Message

It was 3 pm, and I had 50 min to get ready since the coffee shop walk takes about 10 minutes. I charged my phone then I took a quick shower.

When I finished I changed into a plain black crop top and high waisted jeans, then I wore my black high cut converse. I took my phone out of the charger it was 50% then I took my black bag.

I went downstairs and it was 3.48 pm, right on time for once. I told my brother that I'm leaving, and he just nodded. At least he won't get worried when he notices that I'm not home, I opened the door and started my walk to the coffee shop.

As I reached I noticed Maria already sitting on a table for two. So I came up to her and sat in front of her.

"Maria." I greeted her.

"Alexandra, I can't say that it's good to see you cause I would be lying." Maria said, she has long blond hair and has the famous hazel eyes but I still couldn't understand why she caked her face with makeup.

"I just wanted to ask you a question and I'd be on my way back." I said since I couldn't stand staying with her in the same place, but I needed closure.

"Go ahead."

"Last year, you locked me in Blair's room. Who was the guy who entered her room?"

"I knew you'd ask me that. Isn't it obvious? I knew you had a major crush on Andrew so I told him that Blair was in her room waiting for him. I was just helping a sister out." Maria said as she giggled. I actually thought after Maria left school that she'd have more brain cells in that useless brain of hers, but unfortunately, she remained the same.

Andrew thought that I was Blair, that asshole.
"It was nice seeing you, Maria." I sarcastically said as I stood up, "Ohh and thanks for helping me out!!" I joked as I left the coffee shop with tears filling my eyes.

What did I think was going to happen, I knew it was Andrew but my stupid mind didn't want to believe that, no my heart didn't want to believe that.

As I reached my house, I saw the one person that I wished I wouldn't see. He was sitting on my house's porch, his hands in his brown hair tugging on them while his legs were shaking. He seemed stressed.

I wanted to turn around and leave, but I couldn't if anyone has to leave then its him not me. I walked to my front porch and Andrew's eyes jolted up when he sensed me walking towards him.

"Finally, I've been here for an hour." He said but I ignored him and started looking for the keys in my bag.

"Alex? Are you still mad at me for kissing you? I asked you if I could and you said yes." Andrew said. But I couldn't speak. I kept on searching for the damn keys but I couldn't find them.

"Alex please just look at me." Andrew said as a tear dropped from my eyes. I dropped my bag on the floor and turned around to face him.

"Go home Andrew." I found myself saying as I dialed Derek's number.

Phone Call

"Where are you?" I asked Derek.

"I'm on my way back home, I just had to grab something from Matt's house."

"Okay, I'm locked out of the house so hurry up."

"Kayy see ya." Derek said as I hung up.

End of phone call

"Alex." Andrew said as he started moving towards.

"Back off." I said.

"Okay, but please talk to me."

"Talk to you, you want me to talk to you. Okay, Andrew what do you want to know???"

"Why did you leave yesterday, after I kissed you?"

"You really want to know why?"

"Yes, just tell me Alex."

"One year ago, at Blair's party, you went up to Blair's room to kiss her. Do you remember that?"

"Uhhh I'd be lying if I said yes, but it's something I'd do."

"Well you didn't kiss her, you kissed me and you were about to rape me. Are you satisfied right now Andrew!!!" I said as I stressed on the word you.

I looked at Andrew, his face turned white. "What?" He said then he added, "Your fucking kidding me???"

"Do I look like I'm joking Andrew, I just talked to Maria to see if my instinct was right and it turned out that it was."

"Maria was up to this, that stupid bitch."

"No one forced you to kiss me."

"I didn't know it was you."

"I tried pushing you away, and thank god that you passed out cause you could have done more damage." I said

"You said it yourself, 'could have' but I didn't I just kissed you."

"Please leave I can't look at you right now without feeling disgusted and by the way you stole my first kiss it might be worthless to you but it means everything to me." I said as Derek finally arrived.

"You okay?" Derek asked me as he started walking towards me, "I'm okay just open the damn door." I said.

"You want to come in." Derek asked Andrew, so I turned around and stared at Andrew.

"Maybe another time." Andrew said as he turned around and left. I couldn't keep my tears in anymore I just broke.

He actually thinks that it's that simple. "Siss what the hell??? Did he hurt you??" Derek said as he clenched his fist.

"No he did nothing, absolutely nothing."

That was the shortest chapter, so I posted two chapters at the same time.

And I also changed Rebecca's character so go and check it out!!

Read my new story 'Shush' while waiting for new episodes.

And as always.......

Stay Strong.
-Just a normal gurll

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