Truth or Dare

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Start the song when I tell you to.

Derek's POV

"Jessy?" I said.

"I came back." Jessy said with a fainted smile, as she entered the house and walked past me to the living room.

Alex's POV

"Miss me?" I heard a voice I strongly recognize say.

"Jess, what the hell are you doing shouldn't you be with your date." I said as I turned around and was surprised to see her.

"He took me to a seafood restaurant." Jessy said as she paused then she added, "I hate seafood I was about to puke from the smell." She said then she walked to me.

"Oh and guess what, that ass turned out to be dating the waiter." Jessy said, "you should have seen his face when he saw her I was about to crap my pants!!" Jessy said while laughing.

"What is wrong with her?" Matt whispered to Andrew who shrugged, as Derek was standing behind Jessy clenching his fist and jaw.

"But hey do you want to know what the worst part was, that was my first fucking date." Jessy said as she continued laughing, "and it turned out to be a disaster." She added as a tear dropped from her eyes from laughing too hard.

I ran up to Jessy and hugged her, "are you seriously okay like people cry when this shit happens to them."

"Oh god no, he wasn't that hot." Jessy said as she smiled at me, "please tell me there is food cause I'm starving."

"Derek just ordered Chinese." I said

Jessy turned to face Derek and said, "lifesaver." She smiled at him then she turned back to me and said, "so what are we doing?"

"We were just about to play Truth or Dare." Rebecca said.

"Great, count me in." Jessy said as she walked to the couch where Derek and I were previously sitting and took off her heels, "damn those heels." She whispered.

Then she added, "Matt get a bottle with you, so we could play." Jessy ordered.

"Yes mam." He said.

"I'm going out I'll be back in an hour." Derek said.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I have to take care of something." Derek said.

"Wait Derek!!" Jessy said as she sprung up and went to him, "I already kicked his ass, no need for you to do it."

"How bad does he look?" Derek asked Jessy.

"His girlfriend, I mean ex, punched him in the face which left a bruise on his eye, while I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine." She replied.

"Okay, but still I have to do something." Derek said.

"What is it?" Jessy said.

"None of your business, when I asked you where you were going you didn't answer me." Derek said as he took his keys and shut the door behind him.

Jessy looked hurt by Derek's words, so she sat in silence on the couch then Matt finally appeared with a bottle.

"What took you so long, got lost?" Rebecca sarcastically said.

"Haha, very funny. Let's play!!" He said so we all sat in a circle in the middle of the living room.

"Let me spin." I said as I took the bottle and spun it.

And it landed on Rebecca and Andrew.

"Truth or Dare?" Andrew asked Rebecca

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