The New Squad Member

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"I can't tell you how much I respect that brother of yours." Andrew said.

"Uhhhuuhh" I said as I agreed with him, so he turned his gaze and looked at me.

He was watching my every move, he checked me out from bottom till top then he frowned and said, "Do you have a jacket or shirt with you?"

"umm yeahhh, I have a shirt why?" I confusingly asked.

"Wear it." He ordered me.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Your outfit is way too revealing." He said.

"Who are you? my father?" I sarcastically asked.

"Just wear it." He said as his tone changed.

"No." I replied, no one should boss me around even if it's him.

"Don't let me go there and put that shirt on you."

"You wouldn't dare," I said, which I turned out to be mistaken. He came closer to me and took the extra shirt from my backpack.

Then he raised my hands and slid them through the opening of the shirt, then he carefully fixed the shirt from the back as he made me flinch when his cold hands touched my bare body, "sorry" he said as he noticed my sudden movement.

"It's fine," I said, as I found myself lost looking deeply in his eyes. When I came back to reality after I took that journey, I felt his arms still on my back which he moved later on to my waist and encircled it. Then he said as he stared at me, "Don't let anyone see or touch that body of yours, you hear me?"

"I-uhh, I-" I stuttered, as I heard someone cough behind us. The first time I actually appreciate my brother from coming and saving me from this awkward situation.

Andrew moved away almost immediately making me stumble, thank god he held my hand so I could balance myself before I fall.

"Thank you for taking care of my sis, but we have to go now," Derek said then he added, "bye bro."

"Yeah no prob," Andrew said as he made that stupid handshake with my brother, then he said "bye sugar."

"Bye" I said as my cheeks turned red when I heard him call me sugar.

On Wednesday,
during the lunch break.

"Yeah well, I don't care he does that to every girl that has a sexy ass." Jessy said as I told her about what Derek said after she left.

"Well, that smile on your face tells otherwise." I said.

"Shut itt" she said as she tried to hide her blush by covering her cheeks with her hair, which was a fail but I love her anyway.

"Hey did you meet the new girl?" Jessy asked me as she successfully changes the subject.

"What? There is a new girl?"

"Yeah, I invited her to sit with us." Jessy said, "Ahh speak of the devil, here she comes."

"Hey Jessy can I sit with you guys?" the girl asked.

She looked nice so I told her, "yeah sure, my name is Alex and you already met Jessy."

"My name is Rebecca, nice meeting you." She said.

"Nice meeting you too, so how did you meet Jessy?" I asked her.

"Well this girl who I never talked to before ran up to me and started talking crap and then threw my books in the trashcan," Rebecca said, then she added "Like what the hell is wrong with her?? So I told that bitch to go bully someone else cause I'm not an easy prey. Then Jessy came up and helped me clean my books, thank god that trashcan was only filled with papers."

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