The Messed Up Party: Part 2

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The song at the party.^^

"What, no that's not it." Jessy said while looking at the floor.

"Jessy don't lie to me, tell me the truth I want to help you." I said with a concerned look on my face.

"It hurts ....seeing him make out with Blair I know he is a player but, I can't ..... I- I just..... can't." Jessy said while crying heavily.

"Oh Jessy, I'm gonna kick his ass-"

"No please, I don't want him to know that I like him."

"I'm not gonna slap you for not telling me that you like my brother, but I will, later on, you hear me."

I saw a small smile creeping on Jessy's face, and I can proudly say that I've achieved my goal.

"Thank you." Jessy said trying to control her tears.

"For what?"

"For not leaving me-"

"Shut up don't you dare thank me for such a thing, I am your best friend god damn it." I said annoyed at her choice of words.

"I love you, I know that I don't say that so much but I do."

"I know hun, I love you too."

10 minutes later

"Ok so now that we have fixed your makeup, we need drinks we have to partttyyy and let it all out and show my idiot brother that he doesn't deserve you."

Jessy laughed then said, "LETS PARTYY!!"


After a few drinks

Jessy and I were dancing and singing our hearts out to our favorite song 'Toot That Whoa Whoa' and the sweat on our bodies can prove it.

I felt like the world had stopped when I saw his brown hair that was glowing under the lights and his deep ocean blue eyes were sparkling.

"Andrew" I whispered, thank god Jessy didn't hear me because she said later on:

"Alex, I'm going to get something to drink do you want anything?"

"No I'm fine, I'm gonna dance a little more while you go get your drink" I said.

"Ok see ya soon."

When Jessy left I started dancing I felt free, free from bullies, free from myself, free from my teachers but mainly free from the stranger who stole my kiss.

I instantly turned around when I felt someone behind me, I saw Andrew with his messed up hairstyle and his blue eyes, I wanted to kiss him soo badly but I knew that it would never happen.

"Hey." Andrew said.

"Hi?" I replied

"I am-"

"Andrew Posey, I know we are in the same class."

"Yeah introducing myself was a dumb thing to do."

"True, but still I'm Alexandra Avery, but people call me Alex."

"Yeah, I know that you're Derek's sister."

He looked hot with his leather jacket and dayumm never thought sweat would look hot on a guy!!! Like how come boys sweat that fast, he just entered and I'm sure that he didn't dance cause I would have seen him.

I had to say something or move or do anything before I embarrass myself, but when I noticed how close we actually are I felt my cheeks turning hot and I immediately bit my lips which made him tense up and clench his jaw.

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