The Memory

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"I'm up, I'm up!!!" I said as I saw Jessy holding a bucket of water in her hands.

"Thankkk god, its 3 IN THE FUCKING AFTERNOON!!!" Jessy yelled.

"I'm sorryyy." I said as I dropped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

"Are we going to Blair's party?" Rebecca asked us as she entered my room while brushing her teeth.

"I don't want to go." I said as I remembered the last party I attended at Blair's house.

The memory felt so real day by day, Maria was one of my closest friends but after that party, I didn't see her again. Thank god for that because I don't think I would have been capable of seeing her face, but I still ask myself where she is? Or why she never showed up to school after that party? Or if she was drunk when she locked me in that room? Or even if she knew that stranger who kissed me?

Maybe a part of me wanted to see her again, but not because I missed her but because I wanted to know who that mysterious guy was. But I guess I'll never know and that's fine by me.

"Trust me I don't want to go either!!" Jessy said, "but Blair said that we have to since the cheerleaders are the hosts." Rebecca said.

"I know, but I can't go back to her place." I said.

"Why?" Rebecca said, "a story for another day." Jessy immediately replied, trying to change the topic.

Jessy is the only one I told about the incident, she came running to my place after I called her that night and started crying on the phone. Jessy is one hell of an important person in my life, that's why I don't like anyone hurting her in any way, she is my sister even though that could be a little disgusting for her because she likes my brother but I guess she understands what I meant by sister.

"Okay, then I'll call Blair and tell her we aren't coming." Rebecca said as she called Blair and put her on loudspeaker.

Phone call

"Blair we aren't coming to your party." Rebecca said as Blair picked up her phone.

"What the FUCK YOU HAVE TO COME half of the cheer squad isn't here, I need you guys at this party there aren't enough hostesses!!" Blair said.

"Blair we aren't-" Jessy said as Blair cut her off, "do you understand what I just said. THERE ISNT ENOUGH HOSTESSES. Don't make me drag you guys from your house. YOUR COMING AND THAT'S FINAL!!!" Blair said as she hung up the phone.

"She just hung up in my face." Rebecca said.

"I guess we are going." I said.

"No we'll go you stay, I'll just tell her your sick or something." Jessy ordered me.

"Jessy I'm fine I'm going." I said, "let's change you guys take forever."

"We should wear black since we are the hostesses and the cheer squad is going to wear that color too." Rebecca said.

"Great my closet is painted black, you'll wear my cloth k?" I said.

"Okayyy that should be fun!!!" Rebecca said.

"Are you sure your okay?" Jessy whispered to me, "I'm fine Jess I swear." I replied.

As we finished dressing up outfit above^^, we went to Jessy's car since she left it here yesterday. We are supposed to arrive at the party before the guests, so we left earlier while my brother was still taking a shower.

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