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"your face is red," laura notes, sipping her coke. fiona found out that she's been here for just as long as she has, for trying to drown herself— "you okay?"

"when am i ever?" fiona asks, chewing on her tasteless sandwich. she wants to go home, wants to see elijah...

"to get out of here," laura says, peaking her interest. "dr. martin is a genius, yeah? she knows when you make progress, and when she thinks you're ready, she makes you do one last group therapy and then this kind of... test. you know that headset you put in front of your eyes? the virtual reality stuff? i forget the name, but there's a simulation that recreates your past events, and she watched your results to see if you have the ones she wants. if you don't, she sends you back in here to get more therapy, but if you do, you can leave."

"is that even legal?"

laura shrugs. "probably. it's better than a few years ago, apparently. with all the new technological updates, i guess this has a higher success rate."

fiona chews absently, wondering when she'll leave.

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