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his dorm room is occupied, presumably by his horny roommate, so he decides to waste time and take a long route to preston's. his eyes drop as he trudges, and he knows he should've gotten more than three hours of sleep last night, but he can't go back now.

"hey," preston grins, wrapping him in a hug. "how are you? actually, don't answer that. you look like hell."

"ouch, my ego," aidan says with a half smile. his attempt at sarcasm falls flat, and he knows that preston can sense it, too.

the korean boy tugs at his hand, dragging him inside. "my roommate isn't here, and it's late. let's get to bed, and maybe i'll let you cuddle with me for a while. sound like a plan?"

"you're not my type," aidan chuckles weakly, but slides underneath the warm, unfamiliar covers anyway. preston lies next to him and curls an arm around him. the feeling is nice, and his friend's presence is comforting.

"i'm everybody's type," preston whispers. "oh, and no homo."

"fuck off," aidan whispers back, with a grin of his own.

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