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"fuck, my head," vivian groans, wiping her eyes. she has finally woken up after nearly 12 hours of slumber. she gulps down advil and sits back against her bed, watching yuli. "oh, good morning."

"i wouldn't say it's good," yuli says, arms crossed. "what the fuck is your problem? you got totally wasted last night, and i know that isn't like you. so what the hell happened?"

vivian swallows, playing with the embroidered patterns on her quilt. she doesn't look away from her shaking fingers. "my parents fight all the time, it's normal. i've gotten used to it. it was always mom versus dad, but now... it's worse. because of me. i came out to them... and my mom didn't care. she said she still loves me. my dad, however, is more used to the ways of where we used to live before this, in gambia, where it's illegal to be gay. and he's okay with that law. being here made me feel free, and now i'm destroying my family and losing my freedom all because of who i am. who i love."

"i... i'm sorry," yuli replies, consumed with sadness and rage. how is that fair? since when is prohibiting love okay? it is the 21st century, for fuck's sake.

"we all have our shit," vivian says. "i just chose the wrong way to deal with mine."

"what can i do?"

vivian meets her gaze, firm. "you can deal with yours, too."

yuli clamps her mouth shut and looks away.

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