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it's been a while since he's been at home, but indiana grounds him more than he thought. this is where he grew up, where he fell off of his bike and bent his front tooth, where he went to a tiny theater every week to watch new movies with his friends.

this is where he broke hearts. eve's, yasmine's...

where he first fell in love. everett.

the second he walks into the house after unlocking it with his spare key at nine p.m. is the same second that his mother rushes forward, enveloping him in her arms as she rapidly speaks spanish. she takes his cheeks in her hands and looks up at him, finally smiling. "mi chico."

my boy.

she hasn't called him that since he was ten and insisted that he was a 'man.' even though he's much larger than her, he sobs into her shoulder, and she lets him.

the progress project [3]Where stories live. Discover now