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derek is still in his ambitious attitude, already having talked to the dean about his goal and change of major. he has empty coffee cups scattered among the living room, and documents about helping people.

everett doesn't know what to say or do. he wants to know how derek went from depressed and devastated because of the result of his case, to the ready-to-go, can-do persona that quickly. at the same time, he doesn't want to create a bad mood. he just wants to do what he's wanted to do for a while...

"hey, baby?" he asks anyway, sitting at the tiny high-top table and fiddling with his fork on an empty plate of teriyaki chicken. he pushes his blonde curls away from his eyes.

derek stops chewing and gulps down a few sips of wine. "yeah?"

"are you alright?"

"yeah," he says with a grin, shoveling another bite of rice into his mouth.

everett's heart clenches, and he looks right into the brown eyes of his boyfriend. "because you were really upset about your trials, and then you're suddenly..."

derek's face falls.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean—"

"i'm fine."

"you're not. talk to me," everett pleads.

"i'm bipolar. kind of," derek spills, stumbling for words. "i'm actually cyclothymic. it's more mild than bipolar one or two, but... yeah. it's a mental thing. i mean, it can develop into bipolar disorder, but... cyclothymia barely affects one percent of people in the united states. so..."

everett tries to digest the information, a frown on his face.

"you're the first person other than a relative that knows," derek shrugs, attempting to be nonchalant. "you don't have to be with me, i get it."

everett shakes his head so quickly that he gives himself whiplash. he reaches out across the table and takes his hands. "you have medication, right?"

"yeah, for bipolar mood disorder, and it works, but my moods still change. i'm still me," derek says defensively.

"i know," everett finds himself reaching across the table, cups his face, lips brushing against his forehead, his nose, his cheeks. "i know. i love you."

"i love you, too," derek grins, frown vanishing. he kisses everett's knuckles and against his fingers.

"marry me," everett whispers.


"marry me," he says, kneeling on the ground. he watches derek's face, can't read it. he's so nervous that feels like he might throw up. "i know we're only in our twenties, and that we might change our minds about being together, but i love you, i really do."

"... really?"

"you're it for me," everett murmurs, forehead touching his. "i want to spend the rest of my life with you. you're the first person i think about when i wake up, and i'm so lucky to fall asleep with you in my arms. i know i've fucked up in the past, but the fact that you were willing to work on it... that's behind us. i'm ready to start fresh with you. your willingness to help people, your generosity and selflessness, is something i admire every time i even think about you. i love you."

"that was a kind of shitty proposal," derek chuckles. "i'll give you a c. plus."

"so will you?" everett wiles the sweat from his brow. "will you marry me?"

"yeah," he smiles, nodding enthusiastically. "just... not now."



"in the near future?"

derek kisses him chastely and laughs. "within a year or so?"


everett's heart is at ease. he's going to marry the man he loves. someday.

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