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"you're shaking," dr. martin says the minute she walks into the room. her blonde hair is tied up into a ponytail, and the bags under her eyes have increased. "what happened with tristan?"

"he apologized."


"i don't want to talk about him," fiona says, trying to will herself to stop the trembling. she can't hate tristan, no matter how much she wants to.

"hey," dr. martin takes fiona's hands into hers, warm and welcoming. "you made it. you're almost there. don't let him ruin your recovery."

fiona nods, lets herself cry with relief as she mourns over the loss of her past, shedding skins of who she kept trying to be, and trying to listen to the woman across from her, trying to be a new person and not what she was before elijah's...

and dr. martin holds her the entire time.

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