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"what the hell was that?" he asks, arms crossed. he can't believe he's spending his 10 minute break interrogating someone.

"fiona and i have history," tristan says, rubbing the back of his neck. "we were engaged a few years ago, and... i cheated on her."

he stands there, blinking, trying to wrap his head around the concept of his friend hurting fiona so badly. "are you fucking with me?"

"it was a long time ago. i tried apolog—"

"get the fuck out of this coffee shop before i break your fucking neck."

"you can't kill a fly."

"why don't you stay and find out?" he spits, voice full of venom.

"seriously?" tristan laughs bitterly. "you're not even going to hear my side of the story?"

"no. i'm not." everett starts making another frappucino. he will always choose fiona. no one deserves to be cheated on, even if it was a while ago, and he will not upset her even more when she's trying to get better.

"fuck you." tristan storms out.

"i don't do assholes," everett mutters under his breath, full of rage, yet forces a tight-lipped smile to a customer.

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