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"you made me go," aidan whispers, barely audible over the music. "you made me go, again, after i rushed right over to your apartment after spending three months in italy to see you. i just wanted to know why, everett. why did you break up with me? why didn't you wait for me? how could you move on so quickly?"

everett's words are too rushed. "you deserved someone new with a new fresh start. leaving for italy... you left me. moving on with derek was easier because he was here, what i feel towards him wasn't blinded by recognition like in the coffee shop with us. he was seeing me for me, and without knowing my past before i could tell him about it myself. you being in florence seemed like a sign that it was time to wake up from this dream that you and i were made to be the happy couple that gets a happy ending."

aidan crosses his arms and his cheeks are flusged. "i never left! i was gone for a few months, but you knew i would always come back to you. and i never judged you based on your past, so don't assume i dated you out of pity. i loved you."

everett doesn't understand this argument at all, but he's just pissed off and wants to fight. he's pissed off at aidan for thinking he can walk back into his life. he's pissed off at derek for not listening to what he has to say. he's pissed off at himself for being stuck in between two guys. "you need to move on."


"please," everett whispers, though he feels the pull towards the brunette. seeing him in person... he missed aidan, so, so much.

"why can't we have a happy ending?" aidan asks, the water bottle shaking in his hand. "why can't i be with you?"

everett doesn't know.

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