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he doesn't want to be alone.

well, technically, he isn't. but with the way his maybe-boyfriend has been acting... he and derek have been inside for the past two weeks. the only thing they've done after finals is watch tv, order takeout, and lie in bed. derek still has barely spoken, barely laughed or smiled... he hasn't been able to find his way out of the hole he's trapped in, and it's terrifying everett.

but today, he doesn't know what terrifies him more. he wakes up to find derek humming and making eggs, before noon, listening to slimane, while wearing a clean t-shirt and sweatpants.

"uh... hey," he says, rubbing his eyes to make sure that the sight in front of him is real and not some hallucination or dream.

"good morning," derek smiles, dumping the scrambled eggs onto plates, setting out a bottle of hot sauce and ketchup. he strides over to give his boyfriend (? they still haven't talked about it) a soft kiss.

everett wants nothing more than to have the man he loves making out with him in the kitchen for a good few hours, but right now he needs to figure out what the hell is going on. "what's up?"

derek clasps his hands together after taking a bite of toast. "so instead of getting some stupid law degree, i'm going to change my major next year and start studying social work so i can have an international humanitarian career and work with agencies like unicef or fao."

he blabbers on about what he wants, and everett can't find the right words to say.

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