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maybe some hopes aren't crushed after all.

her spirits had been down since she's been unable to make many friends in her classes for a good few weeks. it was one typical tuesday night when they soar after she needed help with her laptop in the library. an possibly brazilian boy, who had previously been lounging on a couch, immediately jumped up at her frustrated curses and asked her if she needed help.

so currently, atília is helping to fix her laptop.

his skin is caramel, lean muscles flexing to reach over and take it from her. his gray eyes are warm, and she notices that he smiles with his top teeth. "there."

"huh?" she snaps out of her daze. "oh! thank you."

he shrugs, as if it means nothing. "anytime."

he begins to walk away, yet the loneliness inside of her forces her lips to speak. "wait!"

turning back around, his eyebrows rise in confusion and... interest.

"do you want to join me for dinner tonight? chick fil a? i need a friend." jesus. why did she say that?

he sits in the seat across from her, rubbing his hands absentmindedly. "i do not know what that is."

"even better," she smiles, regaining her cool and confidence. "where can i pick you up?"

"we can meet here in an hour?"

"yeah," she says softly, lips quirking upwards. "that'd be great. see you soon!"

"take care of your laptop," he winks.

looks like she won't be on her own.

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