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"what are you doing here?" vivian asks, arms crossed with every wall of defense up. "we broke up, so leave me alone. i don't want to have to file a restraining order."

"i needed to see you," he whispers, the carton of tiramisu ice cream slipping in his palmy hands.


"i'm sorry about what i said. i didn't... i didn't mean it," he says weakly.

vivian has always been selfless, always putting everyone else's needs before her own, always making sure everyone else is okay. now, however, she's putting herself first. "you think you can just walk back into my life with your apologies and expect us to kiss and make up? i can't be with someone that doesn't want a future with me, preston!"

"i didn't mean it!" he roars, and she flinches. his voice drops. "i didn't mean it."

"you said it yourself." there's no denying the pain laced into her voice, the pain she most likely fought to forget. "you don't believe in happy endings."

he reaches out to touch her hand. she lets him. "maybe i don't. but i believe in you."

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