q & a

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q & a time— ask any questions and i will answer them in a separate chapter! (why i wrote ___, or if i'm working on a new story, or what happened to _____, etc)

thank you all so much for reading this far and supporting me for these three books. i had originally planned on writing one, but then i got attached... it wouldn't be the same without all the love i got from you all from the comments and votes. i couldn't have done it without you guys. you have inspired me so much to change the way i write, and have given me ideas for what to do when i was lost with what to add to a character's storyline. i love the cast (or whatever you want to call it) to pieces (and all of my readers of course) and to be honest, wouldn't change any decision i've made with the plot/character arcs.

(if you look back at chapter 134, by the way, there is foreshadowing)

anyway, it also wasn't in my agenda to kill aidan, but with all of the problems of our world that i've tried to discuss, i knew that gun control is another major one in the u.s., and unfortunately, many people are at risk. the world is a dark place, and until we do something about it, it will only continue to worsen. my only hope is to possibly combine these books as one(?) and maybe publish it one day to raise awareness to others that there are problems in this world that you can't ignore, no matter how much you try to cover it up or brush it off.

some may say my book is 'liberal' with a derogatory connotation, and you can say whatever you want; i don't care. i include people of color/people with different ethnic backgrounds, and address issues of the twenty-first century, and if that isn't something you can handle, there is always the option to not read the book. it is pathetic that we live in a world where people would rather hate than love, who would rather pick out the flaws in something, or try to manipulate their own opinions into being the 'right' one. it's an opinion, there is no 'right' one, but that doesn't mean someone with a different viewpoint can't be respected, too. a person shouldn't be judged based off of their religion, or the color of their skin, or their sexuality, which is what people don't understand.

i don't really know where i'm going with this rant, but i'll end it on a positive note.

i love you all. thank you for everything.

— alexis

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