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"mm," derek kisses the back of his neck softly, arms around his waist as they lay lazily amongst the bed, still in their pajamas. the early december weather has surprised them with a snow storm, and everett thinks that there is no better way to spend his day than with his boyfriend under the covers.

"good morning, handsome," everett grins, turning his phone off and flipping around to face derek. "how'd you sleep?"

"amazing." derek buries his head against everett's chest and inhales. "how long have you been up?"

everett rubs the other man's back in circles. "not too long, i was just looking through instagram and decided to change my profile picture."


"i changed it to a picture from your family outing— the one that your sister took of us."



derek kisses him softly, a smile on his face. "you're really amazing."

i love you, everett thinks, then banishes the thought immediately.

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