In case you didn't know...

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As I come back into my room with a well-deserved juice for us after our aerobics session William was standing by my desk, his back to me.

N: Eskild is asking if we'll ever get tired. - I shove the door shut with my ass as I am half laughing

W: Whats this? - he turns around with a paper in hand, clearly not bothering to get into the joke from Eskild.

N: Oh, it's my college application.

W: To the Berlin Art Institute??

N: Yeah, they have this great art program that I've been looking into

W: But, I thought you were going to school here. We were moving in together in the fall. In Oslo.

N: I haven't applied yet.

W: But, you are thinking about it?

N: The only thing I am thinking about now is that I want you to come back to bed with me. - I smiled widely, trying my hardest to be cute and charming to stir away from this conversation. That I know and am prepared to have, just not today and especially not now after the amazing night and morning that we have had.

W: - ignored my request – I can't believe you. I came back for you. I came back to be with you and now you want to leave.

N: William I haven't applied yet. You are making a fuss over nothing.

W: It's not nothing. You are choosing a school before us. You are not only planning your future without me, you are doing it without even talking to me.

N: Well... you left for London without talking to me.

W: We didn't even know each other when I applied Noora. - he said, always so diplomatic and correct. I hate it sometimes. But, I calmed down because it was true.

N: But, I haven't applied yet! Its just one of many schools I've been looking into. I will not send in all those applications. – I went over and stroke his arm gently

W: - looked at me– I'm sorry, but I thought we were in this together - slipped his arm from my touch

N: We are. - I said sternly. 

W: - looked at me, disappointment was written all over his face – I'm gonna go

N: William...- hopeless

W: I'll call you later

N: William – hopeless again

And he left.

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