a second glass...

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I have been accepted to the University and am starting my bachelors degree in International Relations. 

On August 1st we moved into our new apartment. It felt right. I was afraid of living together and the relationship itself before, but with time I have become more confident and sure that this is the right thing for us. 

  And now standing in the living room of our new place, looking at William who had the same goofy smile on his face as I nothing has ever felt more right. We have though made a compromise since I feel we are going too fast forward sometimes that we rent an apartment for a year, see how the living together thing works and then next summer buy something together. Our financial situation will be improved and we will have a better vision where we want to live, in which part, more permanently.

We enjoyed being roommates again. All bad memories and ghosts of London were quickly gone. The boring everyday life was great and it suited us perfectly. The seeing each other every day, waking up together and going to bed together (Even though we spent most of the week at each other places before too it was still something special about doing it at our apartment), grocery shopping, making dinner together, shower together, have sex as loud as we want to, walk around the house naked if we want to. It's a freedom that no one can put a price on. And I got to enjoy that freedom with him. :)

Our weekends were mostly spent with friends at parties, concerts or events. Sunday was our holy day, just the two of us. Its usually long walks and talks and then in the evening he made pizza and we watched something, mostly tv-shows, currently, we are watching Liar. An intense thriller on HBO.

I attended a painting course that William gave me as a gift for my birthday. I went every Wednesday afternoon for two months and enjoyed myself immensely. I was in my element for sure when I was painting. International Relations were surprisingly interesting but, it could never move me or intrigue me like painting did. I learned and developed my skills so much that I was advised by the teacher to take another course by the school which I did. 

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