Lover, where do you live

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After many wheres and hows about the venue for tonights dancing in the cab back to the city William stepped up to the plate and invited us all to his place. We were never gonna come to an agreement so that suggestion was very well perceived. 

His apartment was empty anyway. Vegard was out and Morten was in the States working for the summer. Lars is visiting them over the weekend from Bergen but, he too was out with friends. So the apartment was ours and they got so much booze left from last weekend after celebrating Vegards birthday.

It was a great idea to gather everyone at his place. It gave us all a chance to really talk and hang out with one another. In a bar or nightclub, the music would be too loud and there would be too many other people there so half of us wouldn't probably even see each other. William and I were mostly joking and laughing. It was such a relaxed and laidback atmosphere throughout the whole night, we steered away from all heavy questions and themes. We played darts boys vs girls which were hilarious, who knew Sana and Isak were so competitive haha.

At one point he was sitting on the rear armrest of his sofa laughing about a story girl Chris was telling and Eskild sitting beside her and commenting. I came to stand beside him, putting my arm around his shoulders.

W: Hi - he turned to me smiling, amused

N: Hi

W: You ok? 

N: I am great. This whole night has been great. 

W: I am glad you are enjoying yourself.

N: How is it you are not at all affected by alcohol?

W: A glass of water after every glass of liquor.

N: Aaa. Smart.

W: You want a coffee?

N: Please.

We went into the kitchen. He started making me coffee while I stood leaning against the kitchen sink. He came over to grab a cup from the cupboard above the sink, we locked eyes and I abruptly kissed him. When we parted he stared at me confused with hungry eyes. I just stood still waiting for his next move. Expecting the worst but, hoping for the best.

He grabbed one side of my face, burying his hand in my hair and pulled me to him. It didn't take long before he cupped my face in his hands and we were kissing passionately. So hungry for each other. There were probably a million thoughts running through my head at that moment but, I could only concentrate on one. How badly I wanted him. All of me. Now. Here. He lifted me up to sit on the counter, our tongues never parting. I put my feet around his waist to pull him closer to me. 

I: Oh shit! Sorry guys! - Isak said as he interrupted us. He stormed out of the kitchen quicker than he got in.

William and I stood still, eyes locked, panting, our lips inches away.

N: Can we go to your room?

W: Yes! - he lifted me down to the floor, took my hand and led the way to his room.

Once we closed the door we were at it again. Kissing and taking each other's clothes off in one move. When we got to bed the world outside just vanished.

I could only see, hear and feel us. <3

In one moment while kissing my stomach I heard him mumble "F..., I've missed you".

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